
This is why most babies are conceived around Christmas

Photo credit: Jorge Rimblas - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jorge Rimblas - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

How many people do you know who were born in September? Probably quite a few - and there's a reason for that. They're all Christmas conceptions.

It turns out it's an actual scientific phenomenon that more babies are conceived at Christmas than any other time of the year, and it's not just because of the pandemic and the cold weather keeping us indoors with not much else to do.

Sure, the increase in sex definitely has a role to play in the number of pregnancies that occur over the festive season, but a study published a couple of years ago in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology journal revealed there's also a biological reason you're more likely to conceive in winter.

While every individual is different, experts found in this study that, generally, the quality of sperm men produce in winter time is better compared to the summer months. As is a woman's ovum receptivity thanks to the changes in daylight length. Together, these can increase the chances of the sperm fertilising an egg, triggering pregnancy.

There's that, along with the fact people are probably having more sex over the holiday season "has also been postulated as a possible behavioural explanation for the December peak in conceptions," the study's notes said.

Photo credit: Rex
Photo credit: Rex

Plus, with all the Christmas booze thrown into the mix, the chances of accidental unprotected sexual encounters is higher, making way for more possible conceptions.

So when a friend announces they're expecting early next year, with a due date around September, you can think back to this nugget of scientific information and give her a knowing smile 😏 .

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night...

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