20 Daylight Savings Time Tweets That Will Almost Make You Forget About Losing All That Light
Did you wake up this morning, look at your phone, then look at a clock on the wall, and feel deeply confused? That's right, friends: It's the end of Daylight Savings Time again.
At 2 a.m. local time last night, most Americans' clocks fell back an hour to effectively end the period of Daylight Savings Time, which will begin again in March of 2024.
Here's a fun fact you might not know: Not every state in the US participates in Daylight Savings Time — specifically, Arizona and Hawaii sit it out every year. You can read more about why here.
Of course, with the confusion that Daylight Savings Time seems to sow, there are also plenty of jokes. Here's what some of the best wisecrackers on Twitter had to say about the whole deal:
Daylight Savings TimeNovember March pic.twitter.com/aO6P3adKZn
— Av (@MarioEmmet) November 5, 2023
@MarioEmmet / Disney / Via Twitter: @MarioEmmet
Anyone calling it daylight savings time is going to need to meet me at Gold's Gym in Temecula.
— Turkey soup for my Family 🥣 🧦 🤖🫐🦃 🍂 (@soupformy_fam) November 5, 2023
@soupformy_fam / Via Twitter: @soupformy_fam
Daylight savings time 😭😭😭#DaylightSavingTime pic.twitter.com/F6eV8xHE53
— Mario (@ELMario2050) November 5, 2023
@ELMario2050 / Getty / Via Twitter: @ELMario2050
Don't forget Daylight Savings Time! pic.twitter.com/yyLnpZjYYo
— Dan Franck (@GrampsToolshed) November 5, 2023
@GrampsToolshed / Via Twitter: @GrampsToolshed
Someone tell my toddler it’s daylight savings time, because I don’t think he got that memo
— El Lagarto (@LizardKangz_95) November 5, 2023
@LizardKangz_95 / Via Twitter: @LizardKangz_95
Daylight savings time with kids pic.twitter.com/RWZ0uYG1X1
— Kevin (@Daboys_22) November 5, 2023
@Daboys_22 / NBC / Via Twitter: @Daboys_22
All daylight savings time does is keep us from football for an extra hour
— Molly (@FSUmollz) November 5, 2023
@FSUmollz / Via Twitter: @FSUmollz
Our four dogs do not observe Daylight Savings Time.
— Randy Bick (@BickRandy) November 5, 2023
@BickRandy / Via Twitter: @BickRandy
Daylight savings time ends tonight. I am not ready for it to be dark at 4:30 PM. pic.twitter.com/dYajfADf7p
— Dante Benson (@dante_benson_) November 5, 2023
@dante_benson_ / ABC / Via Twitter: @dante_benson_
My dumb ass didn’t realize it was daylight savings time till ubereats’s arrival time was giving an impossible answer pic.twitter.com/HppEstJS1d
— Jakeneutron (@TheJakeneutron) November 5, 2023
@TheJakeneutron / Via Twitter: @TheJakeneutron
Daylight Savings Time as a kid: "Oh cool, an extra hour of sleep!"Daylight Savings Time as an adult with kids: "Oh cool, my kids get up at 4:30 instead of 5:30 and now I have one less hour of light at the end of the day which will trigger my seasonal affective disorder!"
— Anthony 💩 (@TheRealSharty) November 5, 2023
@TheRealSharty / Via Twitter: @TheRealSharty
Happy end to daylight savings time everybody #DaylightSavingTime pic.twitter.com/V4ep1Huc1Y
— ScottW (@jswtreeman) November 5, 2023
@jswtreeman / Via Twitter: @jswtreeman
My response to anti-daylight savings time Twitter. Come at me bro pic.twitter.com/FJFx9gp6IH
— Jonathan Sebat (@sebatlab) November 4, 2023
@sebatlab / Via Twitter: @sebatlab
The cool thing about having a birthday that falls on daylight savings time is I get an extra hour of feeling old
— Pugnado 🐾🌪 (@LuvPug) November 5, 2023
@LuvPug / Via Twitter: @LuvPug
Daylight Savings Time🤣🤣🤣👇👇👇🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/jC5Jk5pq1F
— #MattGaetzIsGoingToPrison (@Biden_My_Time) November 4, 2023
@Biden_My_Time / Via Twitter: @Biden_My_Time
forgot about daylight savings time ending. thought i was in the matrix for a sec pic.twitter.com/22zWsoOI9F
— Jason 🦥 (@spongebobsloth) November 5, 2023
@spongebobsloth / Paramount / Via Twitter: @spongebobsloth
Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by Daylight Savings time.
— Amy 💕 (@Amwysoc) November 5, 2023
@Amwysoc / Via Twitter: @Amwysoc
I just learnt what daylight savings time means, I always thought it was a big sale. pic.twitter.com/8Saj8GjMPD
— Jesse (@zenosjaeger) November 5, 2023
@zenosjaeger / Via Twitter: @zenosjaeger
On behalf of all toddler parents to the people responsible for DayLight Savings Time pic.twitter.com/G2sORA8xHK
— Brad Weigel (@bradleysweigel) November 5, 2023
@bradleysweigel / HBO / Via Twitter: @bradleysweigel
When Daylight Savings Time ends: pic.twitter.com/x12mW5R9yy
— TRAFON(s Backup Account) (@RiseFallNickBck) November 5, 2023
@RiseFallNickBck / Viacom / Via Twitter: @RiseFallNickBck