Trump news: President gets all-clear for weekend return to public duties, as he pleads for support from seniors

 (via REUTERS)

Donald Trump was cleared by White House doctors to return to public engagements on Saturday, giving the president 24 days back on the campaign trail before the election in November.

He'll need as much time as he can get after dropping 20 points in some polls. But he isn't waiting until Saturday, with a video targeted to the senior voting block in a medicine-for-votes pitch.

Read more: Trump campaign in free fall with one of the worst debate swings in history

It came after Trump refused to take part in the next presidential debate against Joe Biden. It was announced the debate would take place virtually following Trump’s positive coronavirus diagnosis last week. He will instead hold a rally while Biden does a town hall solo.

The Trump and Biden campaigns have so far been unable to agree on alternate debate arrangements.

In his first interview since returning from Walter Reed National Medical Centre, Trump told Fox Business he is “immune” and likely not contagious.

The president also laid into his rouges gallery of enemies, from Biden and Kamala Harris to China, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, even claiming darkly that Biden would not last two months in office.

He also placed some focus on Michigan, hours before the FBI announced a militia had been arrested for an alleged kidnapping plot against governor Gretchen Whitmer.