Trader Joe's Now Carries the "Hottest Beer in America"—It's My Favorite
I've been stocking my fridge with my new favorite nonalcoholic beer.
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I adore beer, but I'm not a beer drinker because I have a genetic condition that means my body can't break down alcohol. (I'm really fun at parties.)
So when the The Wall Street Journal recently reported that a non-alcoholic beer brand called Athletic surpassed Heineken and Budweiser as the top-selling brand of beer in grocery stores in the U.S., I jumped in the car and headed to Whole Foods. (The store says it now sells more Athletic than any other beer, including with alcohol.)
Non-Alcoholic, But Not Zero Alcohol
Athletic beers are considered non-alcoholic but contain less than 0.5% alcohol, which is the same as commercially produced kombucha.
Is this non-alcoholic beer worthy of being called “the hottest beer in America” by The WSJ? I cracked open a can and now I keep it stocked in my fridge next to the sparkling water, milk, and OJ. If you’ve ever been let down by non-alcoholic beer—I don’t blame you—Athletic will change your mind. It’s a really great beer, just without the alcohol. Every style of beer I've tried is bubbly, highly aromatic, and tasty.
This stuff is everywhere these days, including at your local Trader Joe’s—I recently discovered that it now carries Athletic beer for the best price I’ve seen ($10.99 for a six-pack).
Simply Recipes / Myo Quinn
Athletic regularly releases limited-edition and seasonal brews, but the evergreen ones I've tried and love are:
Run Wild IPA: This is a sharp and tasty beer that you should pour with lemonade or grapefruit juice this summer to make a shandy.
Free Wave Hazy IPA: You'll like this if you like Fat Tire Ale. It's creamy, smooth, and citrusy.
Upside Dawn Golden: This refreshing, easy-to-drink beer is my favorite of the batch of options. I won't have pizza at home without popping one of these open.
Cerveza Atletica Light Copper: This is a bright and refreshing Mexican-style beer, which means it's light and slightly sweeter.