- HealthYahoo Life UK
How much water do you need to drink a day?
The amount you need to stay hydrated, according to experts.
2-min read - HealthYahoo Life UK
Man almost died after drinking too much water in misguided bid to treat suspected coronavirus
Drinking too much water can lead to a condition known as water intoxication, which can be fatal.
4-min read - NewsYahoo Life UK
School bans all drinks but water from packed lunch boxes
A controversial decision to ban all drinks other than water from pupil’s packed lunch boxes has come under fire.
- LifestyleYahoo Life UK
Adding a lemon to your drink might not be vegan and people are confused
It turns out, the fruit isn't entirely plant-based.
3-min read - HealthYahoo Life UK
A third of Brits don't drink any water: The health benefits they're missing out on
Some 62% of us aren't drinking the recommended daily allowance.