
  • BusinessAOL

    Where airlines stand when it comes to tipping flight attendants

    Being a flight attendant may seem like a glamorous job, but the long hours on their feet, complaining passengers and potentially low pay mean that they're not always appreciated. A budget airline in the US has taken the unusual step of

    1-min read
  • CelebrityAOL

    Waiter given ยฃ600 tip to get him home to Ireland for Christmas

    Irish waiter Ben Millar was given an extremely generous tip by a customer in Houston, Texas, so he could return to his native homeland. The 22-year-old man has told ABC News that he was working on November 19th when he spoke with a family

    1-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    Having an attractive waiter or waitress will cost you dear

    Why do you tip in a restaurant? And how do you decide how much to hand over? Even if you're fairly certain that you only ever base your tip on the level of service you receive, the research would seem to demonstrate that you're actually

    2-min read
  • NewsAOL

    Biker narrowly avoids being buried in sand from tipped lorry

    A motorcycle rider was lucky to avoid being buried by a mountain of sand after a lorry overturned behind them on a road in China. The video, which was captured in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, shows how the lorry had to swerve to avoid another car

  • LifestyleAOL

    Tipping advice around the world: To tip or not to tip, country by country

    You've just had a five-star meal in Tokyo, but how do you express your appreciation for the service you received? Well, you definitely don't leave a tip! There's no tipping culture in Japan โ€“ and leaving one may even be

    5-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    The French are world's worst tippers

    The British have a reputation for terrible tipping, but the French have taken the inglorious title of the world's tightest tippers. A survey in holiday hotspots around the world found that 30% of people in restaurants and bars put the French

    3-min read
  • CelebrityAOL

    Customer leaves surprise tip - so waitress can visit her son

    A waitress in the US has posted a photograph online of a tip she received from an incredibly generous customer. The diner spent just $9.23, but added a tip of $200. A note on the back of the receipt explained: "Brandi, thank you for your

    2-min read