
  • NewsAOL

    Man uses pet rodents to scam hotels into free stays

    A Utah man is facing criminal charges after police discovered he was releasing rats and hamsters into various hotels and then complaining to the staff in order to get compensated with a free room. Ryan Sentelle State, 37, had pulled off the

    1-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    The cheapest way to get rid of rodents and pests

    As the cold weather sets in and an extra blanket gets put on the bed, many unwelcome visitors may begin to join you in your home. Be it rats, mice, fleas or bed bugs, October is the most common month for these unwanted pests and rodents to start

  • LifestyleAOL

    Keeping rodents as pets

    Children up and down the country have been introduced to the wonderful world of pets thanks to rodents. These small furry creatures can make great pets without taking up too much of your space or your time but if you are unsure which is the best

    4-min read