Recipe Ideas

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    12 of the best brunch ideas in the world (and where to try them in the UK)

    Brunch. It’s that lovely lazy meal that means you don’t have to be anywhere or do anything except right where you are, eating what you want, at inappropriate times of the day.

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    13 ways to cook with Guinness

    When it comes to the world of food and drink, St Patrick’s Day can only mean one thing – Guinness.

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    13 March meals to get you looking forward to spring

    March is here, when we feel like we might just see the sunshine soon and kiss goodbye to cold, grey days and switch hearty winter warmers for meals that are a little bit lighter and bring with them the taste of spring.

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    13 ways with pancakes to liven up Shrove Tuesday

      Who doesn’t love Pancake Day – the one day of the year where it’s perfectly acceptable to gorge yourself on pudding pretty much all day. Once upon a time good ol’ lemon and sugar might have been the go-to topping for your Shrove Tuesday treat. But like most other things in the world of food, the ante has been upped and you won’t be surprised to find all sorts of weird and wonderful additions to your plate of pancakes. Whether you’re making them at home or off out in search of something a bit d

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    13 February foods to inspire you

    There’s a tiny peep of spring coming but you’re still more inclined to those winter warmers to take off the chill.

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    Mark Burns Night with these Scottish food classics

    In case you hadn’t noticed, this week people across the world are marking Burns Night – the annual celebration of the life and work of Scottish poet Robert Burn. If you’re wondering what you could serve up for a Burns Night meal, here are a few ideas.

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    13 money-saving meals to get you through frugal January

    Getting paid before Christmas arrived was probably a welcome treat. But perhaps it doesn’t feel quite so great at this time of year, with another two weeks to go until pay day and a bank balance looking slightly worse for wear. Cue some penny-pinching tactics to get you to the end of January – including some money-saving meals to get you through the rest of January. Hopefully some of these will save you from a fortnight of beans on toast and soup noodles.