Pet Care

  • LifestyleAOL

    Owners spend £10k a year on pampered pooches

    We are known as a nation of animal lovers, and it seems our passion for our pets knows no bounds, because according to a new poll, the average dog owner is only too happy to splash some serious cash on Fido. Related Searches Dog groomers

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  • LifestyleAOL

    One in four home alone dogs 'depressed'

    As many as one in four of Britain's pet dogs could be suffering from depression and stress after being left home alone for long hours. Pic: Getty A new Channel 4 documentary, Home Alone Dogs, has revealed what our pet pooches get up to

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  • LifestyleAOL

    Choosing a pet for your child

    There comes a time in many a parent's life when their child utters the inevitable question, 'Can I have a pet?' From dogs to reptiles, pets can make wonderful furry friends to children as well as teaching them about responsibility,

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  • LifestyleAOL

    Top tips for keeping exotic pets

    More people are keeping exotic animals, such as snakes, terrapins and lizards, in the UK. If you're thinking of keeping a unusual animal it's important to make sure you've done your research and can provide a safe and healthy

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  • LifestyleAOL

    Why your feline friend could cost £17k

    As a nation of animal lovers, most Brits are only too happy to lavish affection and love on their pet cats and dogs. But that's not all we give them. Top related searches: pet insurance pet health pet toys pet shops online dog

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  • LifestyleAOL

    How to look after your pet rabbit

    Rabbits have long been a family pet favourite and a fluffy bunny is many children's first experience of pet ownership. However, a recent survey found that three quarters of the two million pet rabbits in Britain are lacking the proper

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  • LifestyleAOL

    Funky fashion and furnishings for your pet

    It's no secret that we Brits love our pets and there are now ever-increasing ways in which to pamper your pooches and mollycoddle your moggy. So if you think your pet (and your home) deserves it, here are a few products that are just that

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