
  • LifestyleAOL

    Password mistakes hackers hope you make

    Don't make life easier for hackers by using passwords that are easy to crack. If your password is you name, favourite football team, a number such as 123456, or the word "password', you give cyber crooks a huge advantage. So

  • TechnologyAOL

    Never use these as your passwords

    Experts are advising that people stop using '123456' as their password. They also suggest that having 'password' as a password should be avoided. These might sound like obvious suggestions, but surprisingly, those are among

  • LifestyleAOL

    The one thing you definitely shouldn't use as your password

    When it comes to choosing a password, a lot of us pick a special date, place or maybe a pet's name. Sadly it looks like 'Lassie123' just isn't going to cut it these days. See also: Whatever else you leave in your will -

    1-min read
  • BusinessAOL

    March of cyber crime hits 1 million more victims

    More than one in ten people in the UK have had to cancel a credit or debit card in the past year, as the result of online fraud. The number of people cancelling cards is up by 1 million - to 5.5 million. It goes to show how important it is to take

    3-min read
  • BusinessAOL

    Are you using an easily-guessed password?

    Would you use the password 123456? It's hard to believe, but this actually tops the list of last year's most common passwords, being used by a staggering 17% of users. Other beauties in the top ten include 'qwerty',

    2-min read
  • BusinessAOL

    Too many accounts leaves us at risk from hackers and scammers

    Can you keep the details of 30 separate accounts in your mind at any one time? Can you remember 30 key dates, 30 important passwords, and all the details of 30 contracts? Of course you can't, nobody can. But that's precisely what

    4-min read
  • BusinessAOL

    Whatever else you leave in your will - don't forget your passwords

    Funeral directors have issued a stark warning: it's vital that everyone makes plans to pass on all the passwords for their accounts when they die - or they risk leaving their loved ones with a major headache. See also: Why are we still

    3-min read