
  • LifestyleYahoo Life UK

    Why you should keep your suitcase in the hotel bath this summer

    Hands up, who else is guilty of chucking their belongings onto the bed?

  • LifestyleAOL

    Customs officials find 10kg animal parts in suitcase

    Customs officials likely see more than their fair share of odd items in luggage, and it appears that random animal parts are among them. Earlier this month agriculture specialists with US Customs and Border Protection seized a suitcase full of

    1-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    How to pack your suitcase like a pro

    Do you ever struggle to pack up everything that you want to take on holiday with you? You're not the only one and sometimes it's the return trip that can be more stressful as you try and cram everything back into the bag you brought,

    1-min read
  • StyleAOL

    This bag lets you ride luggage around the airport

    Do you ever get tired of having to drag your luggage around the airport? Or maybe you worry you won't get to your gate on time and you'll end up missing your flight? Well one new gadget could put an end to both of those problems

    1-min read
  • NewsRosanna Briguglio, Lifestyle Blogger

    Travel Hacks: The Ultimate Holiday Packing Guide

    Love it or hate it, when we are going on holiday it has to be done! Personally, I look forward to packing and plan way ahead (a bit sad, I know!) but a lot of my friends canโ€™t stand it and leave it until the very last minute. I donโ€™t think it makes too much of a difference so long as you stick to a few golden rules, some of them might seem obvious but youโ€™d be surprised at how many people Iโ€™ve seen who donโ€™t utilise what they already have.?

  • LifestyleAOL

    Camping tips: Ten essential things to pack in a rucksack

    Anyone who has ever made their way around the world with a backpack will know that there a few essentials that you can't do without. But if it's your first time heading out into the unknown then you might need a little guidance

    3-min read