Office Politics

  • NewsAlice Sholl

    Breastfeeding Mum Takes Revenge On Office Milk Thieves In Perfect Way

    Actually, these particular office thieves might, after a breastfeeding mum took the best revenge upon them possible - by feeding them her own breastmilk. This woman used her breastmilk to fill up an empty carton of Coffee-Mate and placed it in the work fridge, knowing that it’d be too tempting for her colleagues to resist. Whoever has been enjoying my coffee creamer all week… surprise! You’ve been drinking my breast milk.

  • LifestyleAOL

    Is this the best supermarket birthday cake ever?

    The supermarket-bought birthday cake is the staple of the office celebration. While small children may get hand-crafted creations bedecked with jelly tots and acres of fondant icing from their parents, colleagues can't usually be bothered.

    2-min read