Jet Lag

  • LifestyleYahoo Life UK

    How to combat jet lag on your summer holiday this year

    The science behind the symptoms โ€“ and top tips on how to avoid them from a sleep expert.

    5-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    To beat jet lag you just need to pack this one item in your bag

    Many things have been said and written about how to combat jet lag, but maybe we should have been taking advice from a man who takes over 60 flights in a year. KLM CEO Pieter Elbers has revealed the one item he takes with him everywhere that he

  • NewsYahoo Life UK

    Flying long-haul? This is how to beat the dreaded jetlag

    Resetting your body clock to tick along with the time of new destination can beย tough, and no-one wants to lose any precious holiday time feeling groggy. Jet lag occurs when you travel quickly across more than two times zones leading to confusion between your internal body clock and the local time โ€“ and itโ€™s worse when you travel eastwards because we lose time. Prepare your body clock by going to bed and getting up an hour earlier each day for a few daysย before.

  • HealthAOL

    Could these eye drops cure jet lag?

    Researchers at the University of Edinburgh say eye drops could potentially manipulate the messages being sent from the eyes to the brain and eliminate symptoms of jet lag. See also: Could this pill cure jet lag? See also: Three ways to cure jet

  • EntertainmentAOL

    Jetlag is worse when travelling in this direction

    No matter how hard you try to avoid it, after a long flight, jet lag hits us all. So if you're up all night more when traveling east, scientists say you're not alone. See also: A pill to cure jet lag will be on sale within five

    1-min read
  • HealthAOL

    Three ways to fight jet lag

    For the frequent travellers, the symptoms of jet lag are all too familiar. What is jet lag exactly? It refers to symptoms you can experience while adapting to different light-dark schedules following a flight to a new time zone. See also:

    2-min read