
  • HealthThe Telegraph

    Why malaria is on the rise – and how to protect yourself on holiday

    Returning from a tropical holiday should come with a suntan and sense of relaxation – not a tropical disease. However, the number of British travellers catching malaria abroad is rising, and scientists are warning it could get worse.

    4-min read
  • LifestyleThe Telegraph

    The emotional rollercoaster of a baby animal safari

    “Over there, two lions doing what lions do best. Snoozing” said our guide, pointing at a lioness stretched out under a Kalahari apple-leaf tree. Eyes closed, legs sprawled, tail flicking from side to side. Close by her, cubs were cuffing each other lazily. Grabbing my camera, the words “utterly adorable” sprung to mind until, a few yards away, I spotted a baby giraffe, also stretched out on its side, but with two more lions gnawing hungrily at its ribs.

    7-min read
  • LifestyleThe Telegraph

    Forget Santorini – these are the secret islands where Europeans take their holidays

    Any secret worth knowing does not stay secret for long. In this age of social media, a destination can go from under-the-radar gem to over-touristed hotspot in a trice, particularly when that destination is a Mediterranean island. It’s hard to believe that just over a decade ago, Santorini was still little known, before direct flights and influencers made it one of the most photographed, crowded places in Europe.

    17-min read
  • NewsThe Telegraph

    Mapped: Britain’s 46 National Landscapes

    If you’re in a National Park, you’re likely there because of its status as one. If not, there’ll be a sign nearby reminding you.

    26-min read
  • NewsThe Telegraph

    An entry fee for Venice has arrived – here are five places that could be next

    People who complain of the “Disneyfication” of Venice, avert your eyes. The city has just introduced a €5 (£4.30) fee to enter.

    7-min read
  • NewsThe Telegraph

    The England-Scotland border ‘badlands’, where tragic history and epic scenery converge

    There is something inherently intriguing about borders. That line on a map takes on added spice when the two countries are locked in constitutional flux.

    7-min read
  • LifestyleThe Telegraph

    Why this is the best time to visit Île de Ré, where Parisians go on holiday

    Standing atop the belvedere of Le Lanternon hotel, I watched the weathered, pale stone buildings of Îl de Ré’s capital turn the shade of ripe peach flesh. In front of me, Saint-Martin-de-Ré unfurled in a star shape against the Atlantic Ocean. Behind, the two-mile bridge connecting Îl de Ré to La Rochelle felt like it existed in another universe.

    6-min read