Highways England

  • NewsAOL

    Stonehenge could lose World Heritage status if tunnel is built

    The latest proposals for a tunnel near the historic Stonehenge site have been slammed by historians, who warn the ancient monument could lose its status as a World Heritage site if the works go ahead. The proposed 1.8-mile tunnel would ease

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    New roads to be designed to stimulate drivers

    In a bid to prevent motorists from falling asleep at the wheel on a dull, grey motorway, Highways England has announced plans to design roads with 'eye-catching vistas'. It's claimed that making roads more interesting to drive on

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    Roadworks embargo to ease Christmas congestion

    Highways England, the government-owned company responsible for road planning, is set to offer a Christmas miracle for drivers โ€“ freedom from roadworks. In a bid to cut congestion in the weeks surrounding the festive period. Many

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    Flour lorry tips its load on to M5

    An overturned lorry shed 24 tonnes of flour and 200 litres of diesel across the M5 after being involved in a crash. Bags of organic flour, believed to be from a local mill, were thrown across the motorway in Gloucestershire in the crash, which

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    Idea for โ€˜pollutionโ€™ tents over major roads deemed a potential health hazard

    With the number of premature deaths linked to air pollution at around 40,000 per year, plans to build special tunnels that absorb emissions have been announced by Highways England. However, its idea to build special 'tents' over roads to

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    Pollution-reducing material to be used in makeshift tunnels

    'Pollution tunnels' could be used on motorways in England to cut levels of dangerous pollutants near residential areas. Highways England said that it had previously performed tests on such a system on the M62 near Manchester in 2015,

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    Orange emergency stopping areas being introduced on M3 smart motorway

    The first orange coloured emergency stopping area will be trialled on the M3 in Surrey. Located near Camberley, it will be a refuge area painted in a bright orange paint so that drivers who need to use it can see it easily during the day or