
  • NewsJasmine Jones

    10 gluten free substitutes that taste surprisingly delicious

    Gluten free alternatives can be expensive and disappointing. From fake crumpets that turn out to be nothing but a disintegrating mess of spongy weirdness to bland textureless pasta. As if being unable to eat the real thing isn’t depressing enough, celiacs and those avoiding wheat regularly have their hopes dashed and wallets drained in the everlasting mission to discover acceptable substitutes.  Though there’s always room for improvement, free from foods have come a long way in the past few year

  • NewsSamantha Simmonds, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

    15 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With A Sweet Potato

    Gram for gram, the sweet potato is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. One medium spud provides more than 400% of your RDA of vitamin A. It’s also packed with vitamin C, manganese, copper, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, potassium, dietary fibre, niacin, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and phosphorus. We’re going to go ahead and assume that, by now, you’ve baked, stuffed, spiralised and - yes - toasted yours… but did you know that you could transform your leftovers into the perfect sugar free b

  • NewsAsymina K.

    The gluten-free diet isn’t as healthy as you think it is

    While the gluten-free diet was once only considered a medical treatment, it’s now become a trendy lifestyle being endorsed as healthy and life-changing. The diet eliminates gluten, which can be found in grains like wheat, barley and rye. Doctors recommend the diet for people who are diagnosed with celiac disease - an illness in which the small intestine is hypersensitive to gluten.

  • LifestyleAOL

    Easy ways to go gluten free

    Whether you suffer with coeliac disease, have an allergy or are just interested in eating healthily, more people than ever are choosing to go gluten free. Top related searches: Wheat intolerance testing Food intolerance tests Irritable bowel

    2-min read