
  • LifestyleAOL

    Free school uniform, pool float, oven gloves, stamps & drink

    This week we're dedicated to bringing you useful freebies. We're ditching the giveaways that will end up lurking in a dark corner of the wardrobe or the back of the bathroom cabinet, and bringing out the ones that all come in very handy

  • LifestyleAOL

    Free Pimms, Pina Colada, biscuits, water bottle and trees

    At this point in Wimbledon fortnight we'd expect torrential downpours and deals on soup, but this year is an exception, and we're finding sunshine and free cocktails. If you've been enjoying the glorious weather, we have the

    3-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    Free wine, ice cream, bagels, iced coffee, crisps and lemonade

    If your body is a temple, and you wouldn't consider consuming anything more calorific than water and fresh vegetables, then well done. Congratulations. Keep up the good work. While you're showing us how it's done, the rest of us

    3-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    Free ice cream, cocktail, body spray, ยฃ10 voucher or spa day

    After a scorching week, temperatures in the 20s feel like blessed relief. However, given that we're fully acclimatised to drizzly and miserable summers, there's every chance we could do with finding ways to cool down this weekend

    3-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    Free biscuits, free wine, Ribena, theme parks and essential oil

    This has been a bit of a turbulent week all round, so what we need is something to cheer us up, something to bring a bit of comfort, and possibly something to reduce the stress of an uncertain election. And in an effort to improve your week at

    2-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    Fatherโ€™s Day freebies - celebrate for free

    Father's Day is on 18th June this year, and so is just around the corner. Dads are notoriously difficult to buy for, and when money is tight, the problem gets even worse. Fortunately, there are plenty of freebies around that will help you

    2-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    Free hot cross buns, cocktails, coffee machine & Amazon credit

    This Freebie Friday it's time to get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Your fresh start this spring could mean new hobbies, new friends, a new start to the day, and even a swanky new coffee machine - and for Freebie Friday we

    3-min read