Flexible Working

  • BusinessYahoo Life UK

    Actress makes history by being the first to secure job share role, but why don't more companies offer flexible working for parents?

    Charlene Ford is returning to her role in the West End on a job share basis

  • BusinessAOL

    Your middle-class concept of retirement is out of date

    Imagine your retirement and what do you see; twenty years of travelling, relaxing and finally living your dreams, a reward for decades of slogging it out in the workplace? Well think again because your notion of retirement is as out-dated as

  • BusinessAOL

    Attacked by ants: crazy excuses for pulling a sickie

    A new report has revealed that sick days cost UK businesses over ยฃ23 billion a year. And while no doubt there are those who are rendered incapable by a bout of something serious, around ยฃ9 million of this is lost because people are pulling a

  • BusinessAOL

    Flexible working rights extended

    Millions of employees will have the right to request flexible working from today under new measures the Government believes will particularly benefit older people. The right has only been available for carers, or people who look after children,

  • NewsAOL

    Should your boss give you Friday afternoon off?

    'Summer Fridays' are the employment trend which could let you pack up at midday and hit the park, pub or beach on a Friday afternoon in summer. So why are they becoming more popular, how do they work, and can you take

  • BusinessAOL

    Flexible work key to cutting stress

    Flexible working has become "critical" for reducing growing levels of stress in British industry, according to a new report. A survey of 4,000 employers found that more than half were witnessing more stress-related illnesses among

  • NewsAOL

    Report hails flexible working model

    Desk-bound office working is no longer appropriate for modern businesses as flexible arrangements become more popular, according to a new report. Mobile phone giant Vodafone said firms could save hundreds of thousands of pounds a year if they