- HealthYahoo Life UK
Woman diagnosed with endometriosis says pain has stopped her having sex for over a year
Laura Debney says her organs are fused together like a ‘sticky cobweb’.
5-min read - HealthYahoo Life UK
Symptoms of endometriosis as Amy Schumer addresses ‘puffier’ face
Around one in 10 women in the UK are living with the condition.
6-min read - HealthYahoo Life UK
Endometriosis Awareness Month: Fertility experts bust four common myths about the condition
It's hoped debunking misconceptions about the condition will help shorten the current average time of 10 years between symptom onset and diagnosis.
6-min read - HealthYahoo Life UK
Endometriosis pain meant I had a hysterectomy at 29 and will never give birth
Georgette Beadling, 32, was in such severe pain every day for 16 years with endometriosis that she had to have a hysterectomy at the age of 29.
7-min read - HealthYahoo Life UK
Why Alexa Chung wants you to know she has endometriosis