
  • LifestyleYahoo Life UK

    How to correctly de-ice your car this winter

    Turns out some of us are playing risky when it comes to de-icing our cars.

    4-min read
  • LifestyleAOL

    Driver gets watery surprise as he finds his car submerged following romantic birthday celebration

    Video and words from SWNS The hapless motorist who found his car submerged by a high tide had been celebrating his 40th birthday at the time, it emerged today. Matt Starling had been enjoying a romantic weekend away in Burnham Overy, Norfolk,

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  • NewsAOL

    Cop stops car after driver is thrown on to road

    A policeman stops a driverless car after it threw the motorist on to a road in Shanghai. The CCTV video, provided by local media, shows a black car knocking over a scooter and then suddenly going into reverse. The driver is ejected from the

  • NewsAOL

    Catastrophe strikes 10 minutes after teen passes his driving exam

    A newly licensed driver in China was caught on CCTV driving his car off a bridge and into the river. His car stayed afloat long enough for him to be rescued and pulled to safety. The man, identified as only Mr. Zhang, had passed his driving test

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  • NewsAOL

    Driver flees after crashing into parked car

    Dashcam footage from a motorist in Bolton catches the moment a driver flees the scene after crashing into a parked car. The driver appears to be travelling too fast for the road conditions when his vehicle rounds a bend and comes across another

  • NewsAOL

    Driver narrowly avoids being hit by falling debris

    This was the shocking moment strong winds caused by Storm Ciara ripped the roof from a cinema in Northampton town centre, sending debris into the road below and narrowly missing a moving vehicle. Footage filmed by a witness at home shows part of

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  • NewsAOL

    Unbelievable near miss sees driver dodge van

    This was the shocking moment a UK driver had to swiftly dodge a speeding white van as it hurtled down the wrong side of the A13 motorway on January 27. Dashcam footage shows traffic diverting from the outside lane to the centre where a sports

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