Belly Fat

  • HealthYahoo Life UK

    Belly fat more dangerous than leg fat for older women

    Bad news if you store weight around your middle.

  • HealthAOL

    Six foods that help shrink belly fat

    Visceral fat (the dangerous kind that sits around your organs) can be hard to shift. If you want to lose weight from your tummy, these foods that are worth adding to your diet. Just make sure you watch your calories and exercise. Drinking apple

    4-min read
  • HealthAOL

    Twelve proven ways to lose weight and shift belly fat

    Losing weight is hard enough, but belly fat can be particularly hard to shift. Here are 12 science-backed ways to drop the pounds and inches from your midsection... See also: Why belly fat is different to other types of body fat See also: Gut

    6-min read
  • HealthAOL

    Why belly fat is different to other types of body fat

    There are two forms of belly fat; the visible fat, and then the "toxic" fat that resides beneath your abdominal muscles. See also: Six things that may be stopping you from losing belly fat This deep belly fat can be harmful to your

  • HealthAOL

    Six things stopping you from losing stubborn belly fat

    You might hate the look of your belly, but there's another reason to slim down other than vanity. Carrying excess abdominal fat, particularly visceral fat which surrounds your organs, is associated with increased risk of heart disease, type

    4-min read
  • HealthAOL

    Eight smart ways to shift belly fat

    Most of us put on weight around the middle as we get older, but having a big belly can be dangerous even for people with an overall healthy weight. In fact, people who have a normal BMI but a pot belly could be at greater risk of premature death

    6-min read
  • NewsAOL

    Men and belly fat: Eight ways to bust your gut

    Doing hundreds of sit-ups won't give you a six-pack, but making some changes to your diet and switching up your training routine will help you shift your belly flab for good. 1. Try HIIT Exercising to your maximum effort for 30-second

    4-min read