SAHMs, What's The Most Surprising Thing About Your Life That You Wish More People Knew?

Moms are pretty much superheroes, and whether you're working or not, parenting is a hard job. And if you're a stay-at-home mom, maybe you've felt that people make a lot of assumptions about what your life is like.

mom holding her baby's hand as it walks
Friend Of Mars / Getty Images

So SAHMs, we want to hear from you: what do you wish more people knew about your lifestyle?

mom dressing her daughter
Momo Productions / Getty Images

Like, maybe you can talk about what your day-to-day looks like, especially for those who don't realize how much work goes into being a SAHM. Maybe you do the majority of the housework and childcare, and it's literally a full-time job and not picture-perfect.

kids taking clothes out of the dryer as the mom sprays the clothes
Fly View Productions / Getty Images

Or perhaps you're a mom who used to be in the workforce, and while you love your kids, it's been a hard adjustment not having a job, and you can share what the transition has been like.

mom trying to work at the kitchen table while being surrounded by kids doing homework and coloring
Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

Or maybe you've gotten criticism from people in your life for being a SAHM, but there are some unique aspects about it that you love that people wouldn't normally think about.

mom and son smiling outside
Maca And Naca / Getty Images

We want to hear your story and experiences. Tell us what you wish more people knew about being a stay-at-home mom in the comments below. Or, if you prefer to remain anonymous, feel free to use this Google form. Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.