Star Wars superfans challenged by The Chase's Darragh Ennis in ultimate movie quiz

Darragh Ennis
-Credit: (Image: ITV)

Calling all Jedi Masters and Sith Lords - it's time to show off your Star Wars mastery with this epic quiz challenge.

Star Wars isn't just a movie series; it's a cultural phenomenon that's created legions of fans across the globe. From blockbuster hits to iconic TV spin-offs, chances are you've travelled to a galaxy far, far away at least once or twice.

And while many of us are simply casual watchers of the films, several more are self-declared superfans, dedicating festive seasons to back-to-back Star Wars saga marathons.

If you think you can handle the ultimate test of the galaxy's deepest, darkest secrets, then Darragh Ennis has the perfect challenge for you. The Chase star - who is best known as The Menace on the ITV quiz show - concocted such devilishly tricky trivia even ardent fans may stagger.

Over on TikTok (@bonesgiles), Darragh unleashed his "elite level" quiz that probes into every crevice of the Star Wars universe. With only five brain-busting questions, crossing from the beloved original films to the hit spin-off The Mandalorian, hardcore enthusiasts will need their knowledge at peak performance for any hope of acing this one.

Darragh started his video by taunting participants with a classic Yoda twist: "I'd say give it a try but there is no try - do or do not. Let's see if you're nerdy enough to get all five."

Kicking things off, Darragh challenges you to identify a mysterious character from the series. You'll need to watch the TikTok video to see the picture Darragh used, but we're dishing out a clue to ease your journey just a tad - it's the character played by Hugh Quarshie.

The second question was a bit more straightforward, however, simply asking: "Why was Luke planning on going to Tosche station?"

The next question used another image, this time depicting a creature resembling a hairy rhinoceros sporting a single, prominent horn. The associated question asked: "In The Mandalorian, we see one of these creatures being hoisted by Grogu using the force. What is the name of that creature?"

Question number four was simply: "What is the name of the home world of the Wookies?" and the final brainteaser featured an image of a spacecraft, which Darragh proclaimed as "the very first ship we see in the franchise". He then asked: "What is it called?"


  1. The captain of the Naboo Royal Guard, Captain Panaka

  2. Luke was going to get some power converters

  3. Mudhorn

  4. Kashyyk

  5. Tantive IV

At the end of the quiz, Darragh queried contenders on their success rate and remarked: "I did say it would be hard. Let me know if you got any of those right. I think if you get more than two or three of those, you're doing really well."