Share The Most Sexist And Frustrating Comments You've Heard From Doctors After Undergoing Invasive Procedures
When people undergo tubal ligation and other invasive procedures, they may experience significant mistreatment in the form of biases and sexist comments.
Going through medical procedures can be challenging enough, but there's another layer of stress when others want to give their unwanted and sometimes even sexist input about your body.
Maybe a doctor told you to wait to have your tubes tied in case your significant other wants more children and that you'll regret it, even though you clearly expressed wanting the procedure.
Or maybe a family member invasively questions your decision-making regarding your procedure because you don't have a partner.
Or perhaps you're doctor dismissed your pain during your post-operative care.
We're curious to know your thoughts. Share your stories in the comments below, and your responses could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post. Or, if you prefer anonymity, you can submit your story through this Google Form.