School bans boys from having a 'Meet me at McDonalds' haircut, but what is it?
A school has banned a haircut known as the ‘Meet me at McDonalds’ and warned parents that pupils may be sent home or placed in isolation until their hair is ‘less extreme.’
In a letter home, Great Yarmouth Charter Academy’s headmaster Barry Smith listed variations on the style often known as ‘Meet me at McDonalds’ among seven “unacceptable haircuts for boys.”
The particular haircut causing so much controversy is said to feature a close shave around the back and sides, with a messy, floppy fringe and excessive height.
Some of the hair even appears to have been curled – with boys wearing it in tight curls on top of their head.
Though it isn’t known why the style is called ‘Meet me at McDonalds’ a hairdresser at Ginger’s Hair Studio, in Great Yarmouth told Metro that he had a “young lad in here last week who said they weren’t allowed to have it too short at the sides and too long on top.”
While Norwich barber Elliot Branford described the controversial cut as: “A grade zero or a one on the sides, then disconnected with a perm or curly on the top and you have it sitting forwards.”
The particular style is one of seven styles banned by the school including hair that is noticeably longer on top, high-top styles of excessive height, shaven parting lines and any variation on the Mohican style.
But parents aren’t happy about the strict style rules and have taken to social media to voice their concerns on a specially set up Facebook paged called Yarmouth High Worried Parents.
One mum described the ruling as “absolutely ridiculous.”
You can’t take time off sick as it affects your education but they will happily send you home because they don’t like your hairstyle,” another added according to the Telegraph.
It’s not the first time haircuts have caused controversy in schools. Last year the mum of a four-year-old boy was shocked to have him sent home because of his long hair.
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