These 21 Pet Peeves Have Me Howling Because They Range From Relatable To "What The Hell?"

If you're ever looking for interesting discussions, the subreddit r/AskReddit is always filled with engaging questions. Reddit user u/itsoscilatingagain asked fellow Redditors to share their oddly specific pet peeve. The results were a mixed bag of understandable vexations and downright left-field gripes, and I'm sure they will make you want to comment your own.

1."When people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom."


2."People chewing food and talking at the same time. It drives me insane. My father-in-law used to only talk during dinner if he had food in his mouth, and my mom likes to eat snacks when talking on the phone. Hearing that chewing noise is very cringe."


3."If we are driving at night and you can see my headlights in the distance...I CAN SEE YOUR F*CKING HIGH BEAMS. Turn them off."


Person in a devil costume laughs energetically while sitting in a vehicle

4."When my sister grabs my phone instead of hers."


5."People who have paid to go to a concert only watch it on their phones because they're busy filming it."


6."People who grab their cutlery wrong. It irks me."


Animated Beast from "Beauty and the Beast" eats messily at a table with snow visible through the window

7."Half-open doors. Toilet seats and lids that aren't closed. Things that aren't put back in the same way someone found them. So basically anything that isn't as I left it."


8."People who use terms like 'ATM machine' or 'PIN number.' It's an ATM or A PIN, not an 'automatic teller machine machine.'"


9."It really irritates me to have sand or pebbles in my shoes."


Two individuals dressed in elegant attire stand together, with one looking down and the other smiling, next to a stone railing and flower vase



11."People who don’t return their shopping cart at the grocery store."


12."Someone talking to me when I have headphones in or am reading. Especially on break at work."


Man in a library wears headphones, reading a book at a desk while a smoke explosion occurs behind him, but he remains focused on reading instead of spider-man

13."When somebody offends you and says, 'No offense.'"


14."Things like heavy breathing, smacking lips, loudly chewing food, clicking pens, tapping fingers, etc."


15."Christmas decorations featuring penguins alongside the usual reindeer and polar bears, etc. They live at the SOUTH pole."


Baby penguins huddle together in the snow, with BBC America logo in the corner

16."People fixated on their phones in public."


17."People in public who walk around while looking down at their phones."


18."Talking to a customer service rep or company person and they break out a 'Hun.' I was on with an alarm dispatcher while all these sensors went off. I'm with global security and she's all, 'What's the zone there, hun?'"


A man in an athletic jersey looks playfully focused, balancing laundry on his shoulders. Tide logo in the corner

19."People who change lanes without using their blinker. That bothers me more than someone in the turning lane without their blinker."


20."When people play loud music on the bus."


21.And finally, "I cannot stand when you come into the space I'm already in, and when you leave, the door is not closed entirely."


A character bursts through office doors gleefully, wearing a checked skirt suit. The Righteous Gemstones logo is visible in the corner

I bet you must have some VERY specific pet peeves you want to get off your chest. Comment them below and explain why it bothers you so much!