People Are Sharing Social Habits Everyone Seems To Accept But They Find 100% Annoying
We all have things that just plain irk us.
When Reddit user u/spacewalkerstarfield asked, "What’s a social habit everyone seems to accept but you find really annoying?" people did not hold back! Here's what they had to say:
1."Being on your phone while having an in-person conversation with someone. Like hello, I'm right here, not on your screen!"
2."Asking quiet people, 'Why are you so quiet? Speak more!' If I answer, 'Why are you so loud? Speak less!' I am the a—hole."
3."Kids blasting whatever TV show on their iPads in the middle of a restaurant while I'm trying to eat. The kids can watch whatever, but somebody teach them to use headphones."
4."Being expected to be constantly available via social media chat, text, and call at all hours. If you try to 'opt-out' it’s seen as weird or antisocial."
5."Put your shopping carts in the right spot after using it!"
6."Bringing extra people I don't know to a meal without asking."
7."People who talk loudly on speakerphone in public places."
8."At work, if someone leaves early, no one bats an eye, but if you're just a few minutes late, you can get in hot water. Just one of those interesting societal norms I noticed."
9."At the airport, people who block the baggage carousel, as if they are the only ones who need to get their bags."
10."People that don't use their turn signals."
11."Being late every time."
12."People congregating in doorways, particularly when there is plenty of non-doorway space available."
13."Playing music on their phone speakers. Headphones. Use them."
14."QR code menus only at restaurants. I don't want to scroll through my phone just to see the menu. Side note: This encourages everyone to pull out their damn iPhones for the rest of the meal."
15."Coming in for work when you're sick. Stay home."
16."Groups of people that occupy the entire sidewalk and see you coming but don't make space for you to pass by. Having to step down on the road to keep walking, I hate those people, and it's too common..."
17."Visiting people without calling first."
18."Not everything has to be filmed."
19."Small talk but ESPECIALLY during a transaction. Look, I'm just trying to pay for my stuff. You don't care about how I'm doing, any more than I care about how you're doing. A hello, and thank you are plenty."
20."FaceTiming in public."
21."People who stop in the middle of a busy walkway to check their phones. It's like they think they've hit pause on the world."
22."When are you having kids?"
23."When people don't understand that listening is the most important part of the conversation."
What social habit annoys you the most? Share it in the comments!
Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.