Only 15% of Brits bought condoms in the last year

Condom use in the UK has hit a new low, according to Durex’s 2024 Global Sex Survey.

The importance of using protection during sex is something that we are reminded of throughout our lives, and condoms are an essential tool for preventing unplanned pregnancy and reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections.

However, an increasing number of Brits are canning the condom despite the risks involved. Out of 36 countries surveyed, the Durex survey ranked Great Britain as 33rd on the list of countries most likely to buy condoms. What's more - only 15% of the nation purchased this kind of protection last year.

For many Brits, the decision to turn against condoms lies in pleasure. 16% of sexually active UK adults told Durex that they were put off of purchasing due to the perceived lack of sensation that occurs when wearing a condom during sex. Additionally, 13% of Brits said that condoms kill the mood. These survey respondents repelled the rubber due to the lack of spontaneity that comes with putting one on.

Even when condoms are purchased in the UK, they are not always used. When the Durex survey spoke to people who still invest in condoms, only 11% of people said they always use them.

Why should you use a condom?

This drop in condom use raises concerns for the sexual safety of British adults, as STIs are on the rise. Last year, the number of sexually transmitted infections in the UK increased by 4.7%, according to government research. While chlamydia diagnoses remained stable - with around 194,000 diagnoses a year - diagnoses of infections such as gonorrhoea, syphilis and genital warts were all on the rise.

The decreasing use of condoms in the UK and the simultaneous rise in sexually transmitted infections is concerning, sex expert Alix Fox told The Mirror. She said: "It’s time for the UK to change their minds and change their ways, making foregoing condoms history, and moving to a future where they’re better protected."

Additionally, Alix told The Mirror that many condom companies - like Durex - have developed thin feel protection wear, which can actually work to increase sensational pleasure during sex.

With this in mind, British people are being urged to put pleasure and protection on an even playing field and re-consider the use of condoms.

Symptoms of an STI to look out for:

According to the NHS, the only way to really know if you're infected is to get tested. But, be aware of

  • Unusual discharge from your vagina, penis or anus

  • Unusual vaginal bleeding

  • Pain while urinating

  • A rash

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