
Is it OK to wee in the sea?

Crowded Maya Bay in Thailand has been closed, in part, due to damage from people weeing in the sea – but is it really so bad? - This content is subject to copyright.
Crowded Maya Bay in Thailand has been closed, in part, due to damage from people weeing in the sea – but is it really so bad? - This content is subject to copyright.

We’ve all been there: one minute you’re splashing about in the waves, the next, your bladder is clamouring to relieve itself there and then. So, do you just go with the flow, and wee in the sea, or do you get your feet all sandy and endure the torture of trying to locate a public toilet on land?

It seems that most of us have opted for the easy option on at least one occasion. According 2014 poll by YouGov, half of Brits have admitted to urinating in the sea or ocean, and 52 per cent think it’s OK to do so. Rivers and lakes are seen as fair game by a smaller number; here 17 per cent of us admit to having taken a tinkle, while 31 per cent think that this is acceptable.

But is their assumption correct? Last week, the Thai government announced that it was closing Maya beach – “The Beach" of Leonardo DiCaprio movie blockbuster fame – indefinitely, in order to give nearby coral and marine life an opportunity to recover. At least part of the problem, say local tour operators, is visitors urinating in the sea and boats dumping the contents of their marine toilets alongside them.

What’s the big deal?

Urine is 95 per cent water, but it also contains sodium and chloride ions – the same chemicals that make seawater salty. In fact, urine contains a lower concentration of these ions than the sea, so by weeing into it, you are making saltwater ever-so-slightly less salty. But urine contains other things as well, including waste products such as urea (produced from the breakdown of proteins in our diets), and sometimes trace amounts of drugs such as the contraceptive pill or antibiotics. Also – contrary to the widely held perception that it is sterile – urine usually contains small numbers of bacteria.

Of course, the ocean contains vast amounts of water – the Atlantic Ocean alone contains about 350 quintillion litres of the stuff – which immediately dilutes these waste materials.

According to a recent video by the American Chemical Society (ACS), even if every person on Earth simultaneously emptied their bladders into the Atlantic Ocean, there would still only be about 60 parts per trillion of urea in it - which is nothing, it adds. Generally, peeing in the ocean is totally fine, the ACS says – and it may even be beneficial to marine life, as the nitrogen in urea combines with water to produce ammonium, which feeds ocean plants.

So I can wee freely?

However, there are some exceptions, which include urinating in protected areas and smaller bodies of water. This is because urine – particularly when excreted in large volumes – can cause an overgrowth of algae and seaweed, which can be damaging to other aquatic life in some circumstances.

Take coral reefs: “If you have a lot of people peeing in an area that is not well flushed because it has poor exchange of new water, it could be a problem because excess nitrogen fuels algal growth, which has a negative impact on corals and other animals,” says Stephanie Wear, a marine ecologist and senior scientist for the US-based conservation organisation The Nature Conservancy.

Urine, in large volumes, can cause an overgrowth of algae - Credit: arousa/arousa
Urine, in large volumes, can cause an overgrowth of algae Credit: arousa/arousa

Corals compete with algae and seaweed for space and light, and because they grow so much faster than coral, if there is a steady supply of extra nutrients they can take over the space, and block out the light, says Wear. There’s also mounting evidence that trace amounts of antibiotics in urine – even after it has run through sewage treatment works - can disrupt the balance of the microbial communities that live on coral and help protect it from disease. Meanwhile, hormones from birth control bills and hormone replacement therapies have been found to alter the behaviour of other aquatic organisms, including fish, as well as affecting their ability to grow and reproduce.  “If the water is not mixing with a larger body of water on a daily basis, then chance of this being a problem goes up,” Wear says.  

Maya Bay isn’t in a Marine Protected Zone, but the effect on its marine life would be the same – particularly given the vast number of tourists – up to 6,000 each day – who were visiting the beach - and, presumably, urinating in the water - until its closure.

Even in the UK’s cold and turbulent waters, the Environment Agency says that it would encourage bathers to use the facilities where provided, “to preserve water quality”.

Let’s talk solids

Add solid human waste from marine toilets into the equation, and things get even worse. Coral disease has been directly linked to pathogens found in the human gut, says Wear, while those issues associated with algal overgrowth are magnified because it also feasts on the “nutrients” in solid waste. “Frankly, when it comes to human faeces, any amount is too much,” says Wear.

'When the urea in your pee reacts with chlorine it forms products called chloramines, which have been linked to eye and upper airway irritation' - Credit: getty
'When the urea in your pee reacts with chlorine it forms products called chloramines, which have been linked to eye and upper airway irritation' Credit: getty

Wait till you hear about swimming pools

According to that same YouGov poll, around one in five Britons admit to having urinated in a swimming pool –although only 5 per cent of us think that this is socially acceptable. Indeed, a study published last year found that swimmers in an Olympic-sized pool could be surrounded by up to 50 gallons of urine. Quite besides the yuck factor, urine in combination with the chlorine or other chlorinating agents used to treat pool water can be dangerous to our own health, says Professor Simon Cotton at the University of Birmingham’s School of Chemistry. “When the urea in your pee reacts with chlorine it forms products called chloramines, which have been linked to eye and upper airway irritation,” Compton says. Indeed, there have been documented cases of lifeguards and swimming instructors developing occupational asthma because of their work. Quite how many of these toxic chemicals form depends on the amount of urine present in the water – but a good guide is your nose: that classic public swimming pool smell is, in fact, caused by chloramines.

Urine isn’t the only thing that reacts with chlorine to form these molecules. Sweat and residues from some skin lotions and cosmetics also react – which is a key reason why people are encouraged to shower before entering the pool.

How to spend a penny at sea

So, the next time you dip your toe into the water, spare a thought for your fellow swimmers, or - if you’re lucky enough to find yourself on a tropical beach - for the marine life lurking below its surface, and try to hold your bladder until you’re back on dry land.

Wait to hit the head til you're deep in open water - Credit: This content is subject to copyright./Chris Schmid
Wait to hit the head til you're deep in open water Credit: This content is subject to copyright./Chris Schmid

And should you find yourself needing the loo on a boat in a coral-fringed lagoon, at least wait until you’re in deeper open water before flushing: There will be a greater opportunity for your waste products to be mixed and diluted, meaning that your waste is quite literally just a drop in the ocean.