Mom brings up important point about the padding in girls’ bathing suits

Mom talks about bathing suit chest pads for girls

You may have already seen the viral video that’s been making the rounds. An angry-looking mom is dismantling a girls’ bathing suit. Indignant, she says to the camera, “Someone explain to me why my eight-year-old’s swimsuit top has” and pulls out the foam cup inserts.

Well, another mom is here to explain. A TikToker who goes by @asianunplugged stitched that video and added on the explanation that it’s not necessarily a reason to react negatively.

“Hey girl, let’s not try to make things into something that it’s not. Honestly, those pads are not there to convey any inappropriate meaning or hidden messages at all,” she says in her video, which is now going viral itself.

She continues, “What they are there for—and I’m going to say this for everyone because there may be our dads on here raising their daughters—they’re there for an added layer of protection, OK? Every girl’s going to develop at their own pace, OK? So maybe your eight-year-old hasn’t hit puberty yet or start puberty yet. For those that have already started, they have these to help them.”

She then holds up the foam cups just like the first viral video to show that they are really and truly nothing to get worked up over.

“Mostly when they’re on the beach or in the pool, it gives them a little bit more discretion. It gives them confidence, because we don’t want to show anything,” she continues. “That’s why it’s there, because as you know, these swimsuits are very thin, and if you wear a very light-colored material — like, let’s say, white — things will poke out. Obviously, that’s not appropriate.”

This mom finishes her video, “Whether you want to use them or not, that’s up to you as a parent. You can do what you just did and just toss them to the side or save them for another day. But yes, companies are starting to put those in, for that reason, so we can include everyone that may be going through different changes in life.”

In the comments, it seems like every reasonable person on the internet has gathered.

“I absolutely agree. It’s hard enough for girls to go through those changes without also worrying about others noticing too.”

“My sister’s kid needed them at 8. Agree.”

“I definitely wore a training bra at 8. lol. So I needed that coverage.”

“When the swimsuit gets wet, it can become see through as well, it’s good for coverage, I don’t know what the issue is with an extra layer.”