When is Mercury in retrograde in 2024?
Many astrology enthusiasts believe that when Mercury is in retrograde, a cycle of misfortune and chaos is triggered. But what does Mercury in retrograde actually mean?
Mercury retrograde is an optical illusion – Mercury appears to move backward from our view here on Earth. Astrologers believe that during this time, technology and communication can get disrupted, putting a dampener on everyone's mood and increasing negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, resentment and sadness.
Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun and is slightly larger than the Moon. It's also the fastest planet in our solar system, which means it enters retrograde around three to four times a year, lasting for about three weeks at a time.
Here's everything you need to know about Mercury being in retrograde...
The Mercury in retrograde dates for 2024 are:
13th December 2023 - 1st January 2024
1st - 24th April 2024
4th - 27th August 2024
25th November - 15th December 2024
Astrologers believe Mercury to be the planet that rules expression and communication. As a result, retrograde motion is thought to have negative connotations in the astrological realm.
Some astrologers believe it can lead to:
Falling out with friends
Experiencing misunderstandings
Travel, logic and communication getting disrupted
Emails getting lost
Flights being delayed
Brain fog
Confusions around work projects
According to Daisy Foss, an International Healer, Mercury being in retrograde could cause huge relationship challenges, such as cheating, betrayal or loss of intimacy. She says: "As this planet appears to retreat, it may feel like it's all going wrong in your love life, as you bring up issues and arguments from the past.
"Communication is key and with Mercury, the planet of communication, seemingly backtracking, you have to work extra hard! Focus on making your relationship stronger by talking, being honest and openhearted."
What should you not do during Mercury retrograde?
According to the experts, there are some things you should avoid doing during Mercury retrograde. These include:
Not rushing important decisions
Try not to argue with others
Don't be too hard on yourself
Don't sign new contracts too quickly
Not being too hard on yourself
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