Leftover Wine? This Storage Idea Is Perfect For All Sorts Of Cooking

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Photo credit: Getty Images

Now, we going to be honest with you from the off here. It’s very, very, VERY rare that we have any wine left over after opening a bottle with friends. But if by some miracle, you crack open a bottle of red or white wine and don’t drink every single last drop, here’s a great thing to do with your leftover wine.

Thanks to @swanbranduk on TikTok, you will never waste wine ever again. Because instead of pouring it down the sink, pour it into an ice cube tray and freeze it!


That way, any time you’re making a stew, sauce of gravy that requires a glug or two of wine, you can just chuck in a couple of these frozen wine cubes, and away you go. This is particularly great if it saves you opening a new bottle of wine just because a recipe requires a splash. Next thing you know, you’ve convinced yourself to finish the bottle… well, that’s what happens to us anyway.

So, yeah, we’re big into this TikTok hack, but the same cannot be said for a hack we covered yesterday.

In a video shared by @lifetipsnow, there are a load of handy cooking hints and tips on offer, including one that explains that you can make meatballs using the hole in your spaghetti spoon.

How it works is, you make your meatball mix (mince beef/pork, seasoning, chopped onions and herbs, plus anything else you fancy), place it in a dish and flatten it out. Then you simply take your spaghetti spoon and push it down into the mix. The hole in the middle will make the meatball mix squeeze through the hole; creating a perfectly round meatball.

This content is imported from TikTok. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Technically, there’s nothing wrong with this way of doing it, we’re just not sure how much easier this is than simply rolling the mixture into neat meatballs using your hands.