Inquiry to probe Welsh government leak of Queen’s death plans

Procedures for the Queen's death were leaked in an email to a member of the public - AFP
Procedures for the Queen's death were leaked in an email to a member of the public - AFP

An inquiry has been launched after official correspondence about plans for when the Queen dies were leaked by the Welsh government.

Letters and a security pamphlet marked "official sensitive", were emailed to a member of the public.

The Welsh government is investigating the security breach but says that no "operational information" was revealed.

It admitted that the pamphlet should not have been shared.

According to the BBC, a top UK government civil servant wrote to colleagues in September 2021 to express concerns that a news site had published new details about procedures for the Queen's death.

This secret information had been sent to a member of the public erroneously by a Welsh government official, the civil servant said.

The Welsh government's most senior civil servant, Dr Andrew Goodall, told the BBC: "Whilst the email did not contain any operational information, it was marked 'official sensitive' and should not have been shared.

"We take the issue of information and data security very seriously and this is now being investigated as a potential security breach.

"We are unable to comment further."