Hitting snooze in the morning is terrible for your sleep

Photo credit: Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash
Photo credit: Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

From Red Online

No matter what time you set it, even if it's 10 a.m. on the weekend, there's nothing worse than that incessant pinging noise waking you up from a lovely little sleep. And now, there's even more reason to hate your evil wake-up call.

Most people will snooze at least once (*cough* five times) before finally getting out of bed in the morning, and it turns out that this could be doing far more harm than good. Those extra five minutes after you hit "snooze" will interfere with your body's process for waking up, according to ASAP Science. They explain that alarms in general interrupt our natural sleep cycle, and don't allow us to wake properly, leaving you with that horrible groggy feeling, also known as sleep inertia.

Throughout the day our sleep inertia will begin to lift and we function properly. However, if you fall back to sleep after snoozing, your body is likely to sleep more deeply than before, leaving your body even more confused when your alarm goes off again. Each time you hit the button, you're bringing on more sleep inertia that slows your wake-up process each morning.

The solution is apparently to get up as soon as your alarm goes off, but we're pretty sure that that's easier said than done.

If you're up tho the challenge, why not try an old-fashioned alarm clock with no snooze button function at all, like this traditional-looking clock from John Lewis:

Or if you simply won't wake up with a simple alarm call, this inventive Clocky alarm will roll an infuriatingly just-out-of-reach distance away from you, making a cacophony of beeping noises until you get up to switch it off. Try disabling the snooze function altogether to prevent side effect mentioned above!

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