People Are Sharing Sayings And Phrases That Are Riddled With Red Flags

Sometimes people say things that leave us a *little* uneasy. So, when Reddit user Wonderful-Camera3650 asked, "What’s a saying or phrase that instantly makes you suspicious?" people had a lot to say. Here are some of the most relatable responses:

1."'We'll only stay there for an hour.'"

Multiple overlapping clock faces showing various times.
Randy Faris / Getty Images

2."You'll thank me later. I'd rather have more insight into the future benefits before committing to something I do not like."


3."When someone says 'give me five minutes' like it's never five minutes."

Person wearing a smartwatch and adjusting it on their wrist outdoors
Jose Carlos Cerdeno / Getty Images

4."'We're not just a team, we're a family.'"


5."'It's not about the money.' Spoiler alert: It's definitely about the money."

Different USD bills.
Alfexe / Getty Images

6."'Smell this.'"


7."'I'm (or he's) just touchy-feely!' Nope. I have never met a guy who described themselves or has been described as touchy-feely who wasn't a skeevy creep."

Regina Hall in "Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul."
© Focus Features / Courtesy Everett Collection

8."'Everything happens for a reason.'"


9."'I'm just brutally honest!' 9/10 they're just really mean."

Rachel McAdams, Lacey Chabert, and Amanda Seyfried in "Mean Girls."
© Paramount / Courtesy Everett Collection

10."'Pull my finger.'"


11."'Can you keep a secret?' Well, clearly you can't."

Person using a "Shhh" motion to their lips.
Tero Vesalainen / Getty Images

12."'I'm a nice guy, woman, or person.' Nice people don't have to tell you they are nice."


13."'Money doesn't buy happiness,' said people who have more than enough and all the toys and garbage they tell you you don't need."

Leonardo DiCaprio throwing money towards the water in "The Wolf of Wall Street."
© Paramount Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

14."'I'm the type of person who…' You'd like to THINK you're that kind of person."


15."When someone says, 'Trust me,' without giving any reason, I immediately get suspicious."

Niecy Nash wearing a polka dot dress, sitting in a leather chair in "Never Have I Ever"
© Netflix / Courtesy Everett Collection

16."'It's just between us.' It makes me wonder why they feel the need to keep things secret and what they might be trying to hide from others."


17."'It's perfectly safe' is often suspect, especially when it comes to something guaranteed to be risky."

Yellow caution tape.
Richard Williams Photography / Getty Images

18."When someone says, 'No offense but...' I know I'm about to be offended, but now they think I can't get mad about it."


19.And finally, "'I hate drama.'"

Tina Fey wearing a polka dot dress, standing in a gymnasium in "Mean Girls"
© Paramount Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection

What other sayings or phrases make you suspicious? Drop your thoughts in the comments!

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.