If You Had Cold Feet And Got Married Anyway, This Is The Place To Tell Me What Happened
We've all heard stories of people getting cold feet, and they're fascinating. But what we (understandably) don't hear much about are people who get cold feet... and get married anyway. So, whether it was a month, a week, or a day or less ahead, and you got cold feet but went through with the marriage — what was it like? What happened?
Maybe you knew while walking down the aisle that this was the wrong thing to do, but felt like it was too late to call it off. Did everything work out? Or did you get divorced?
Perhaps you got caught up in the stress in the weeks leading up to the wedding, and your toes started getting a little chilly... but you went through with it, and now you've been married for 20 years. Tell me about it!
Maybe you got cold feet because your parents had a terrible marriage, and you were afraid of the same thing. Or maybe you had serious doubts... and still put the ring on. What happened?
Or maybe it's something I haven't even thought of. Whatever it is, I want to hear your story in the comments below! Or, if you want to share but prefer to stay anonymous, you can check out this anonymous Google form. I want to hear about it!