Endurance Athlete Michael Miraglia Completed 19 CrossFit 'Girl' WODs In a Row
The CrossFit 'Girl' workouts make for some of the most feared sessions in the Sport of Fitness. Named in a similar fashion to thunderstorms and cyclones — it's deliberate, of course, as the workouts are meant to replicate the force of a storm — CrossFit's 'Girls' workouts are the gold standard of WODs and, when performed at an RX level, are likely to take any athlete to their knees with a redlined heart rate.
But what happens when you take on over a dozen 'Girls' workouts in a row? This was the hypothesis that CrossFit athlete Michael Miraglia wanted to test by attempting to perform 31 'Girl' WODS in a row for the world's first 'Girl WOD Marathon'. (Continued below)
Miraglia is no stranger to impressive feats of fitness. He's achieved a consecutive sub-five minute 500lb (226kg) deadlift and one-mile run, completed the world's first 'strongman marathon' and has over 20 professional podium finishes in obstacle racing.
Shooting for a goal of 31 total workouts, Miraglia managed to grind through 19 'Girl' WODs — taking six hours and 17 minutes to complete them all — before calling time.
"Felt great through the first 11 workouts. Then my hands started to rip, and the pull-ups became a big issue for me. Also was no longer able to hook grip a barbell, and I knew it was going to be a struggle to finish," Miraglia told BarBend. "I gave a good effort and am extremely happy with how I performed. I know even with this failure, I am definitely stronger for just attempting this feat."
Despite this, Miraglia remains more motivated than ever to complete the challenge in full and cue up even more functional fitness challenges. "I will complete this feat again, having learned from all of the mistakes," he said. Here's how he took on the challenges and the times he scored:
Fran (3:14), Three rounds for time, 21-15-9 reps :
Barbell thrusters (42.5kg)
Annie (7:32), Reps for time, 50-40-30-20-10:
Jackie (7:18), For time:
1000m row
50 thrusters (empty barbell, 20kg)
30 pull-ups
Diane (6:35), Reps for time, 21-15-9:
Deadlifts (102kg)
Handstand push-ups
Nancy (13:36), Five rounds for time:
400m run
15 overhead squats (42.5kg)
Helen (9:07), Three rounds for time:
400m run
21 kettlebell swings (24kg)
Linda (28.11), For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Deadlift, 1.5x bodyweight
Bench press, bodyweight
Clean, three-quarters bodyweight
Isabel (4.46), For time:
30 barbell snatches (60kg)
Ingrid (9:10), 10 Rounds for time:
Three barbell snatches (60kg)
Three burpees-over-barbell
Grace (4:58), For Time:
30 barbell clean-and-jerks
Grettel (8:16), 10 rounds for time:
Three barbell clean-and-jerks, (60kg)
Three burpees-over-barbell
Elizabeth (11:06), For time, 21-15-9 reps:
Barbell cleans (60kg)
Ring dips
Eva (52:23), Five rounds for time
800m run
30 kettlebell swings (24kg)
30 pull-ups
Barbara Anne (50:58), Five rounds for time:
20 handstand push-ups
30 deadlifts (60kg)
40 sit-ups
50 double-unders
Rest three minutes
Lynne (60 reps), AMRAP five minutes:
Max bench press (bodyweight)
Max pull-ups
Lane (31 reps), Five rounds for max reps:
Hang power snatches (three-quarters bodyweight)
Handstand push-ups
Rest as needed between rounds
Gwen (85lbs/38kg), For load, rep scheme 15-12-9:
Unbroken barbell clean and jerks
Rest as needed between sets
Angie (25:47), For time:
100 push-ups
100 pull-ups
100 sit-ups
100 air squats
Andi, For time:
100 barbell hang power snatches (30kg)
100 barbell push presses (30kg)
100 barbell sumo deadlift high pulls (30kg)
100 barbell front squats (30kg)
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