17 Signs From The Past Week That Made Me Laugh So Hard, I Developed A Single Ab

We've made it through another week of 2024, which means another roundup of the funniest signs on the internet, courtesy of r/funnysigns:

1."Poor guy..."

Sign partially submerged in water, showing the word "NO" and a figure with raised hands, indicating danger or warning due to flooding

2."Back in 10 minutes!"

Yellow sticky note reads: "Hey, I'll be back in 10 minutes, but if I'm not, just read this message again" with three doodled faces

3."How much is an Orden?"

Sign for a drive-thru restaurant: "Ordenes To Go, Drive Thru, Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner," with a large red arrow

4."This response to stair accidents."

Sign at the top of a staircase reads, "PLEASE DON'T FALL DOWN THE STEPS," warning people to be cautious

5."It’s purring force!"

Sign reads: "I don't snore. I purr with the force of 10,000 kittens."

6."In my camera roll of a trip in September 2022 I stumbled upon this content. I really have zero memory of even taking this pic."

Wendy's restaurant sign promoting a new "Stwabewwee Frosty."

7."Spotted on the way to work."

A sign in a grassy area reads "No Signs on Property," creating an ironic contradiction

8."I found this on a walk."

Cardboard sign on a chair states it's a free, "halfway decent computer chair" with adjustable features, wheels, and "cat puke mostly gone."

9."Made me chuckle."

Concrete truck with humorous warning: "Stay back. If you follow this concrete truck too closely, it's your own asphalt."

10."It's raw what?"

Glass display featuring leaves, snowflakes, and text: "Winter Sky," "Golden Palm," "Raw Under." Promotes New York Fashion Week's fall/winter colors

11."This flyer in a coffee shop."

Flyer for a Kermit the Frog impression contest with a contact number and prize details; event runs from Dec 2024 to Jan 2025

12."Found this sign at our local thrift store..."

Sign humorously asks potential shoplifters to notify staff

13."But bigger is okay?"

Sign with a graphic of a face/toilet reads: "Do not flush anything smaller than a computer. No sanitary napkins, Tampax, etc."

14."Where is this MF taking me? 💀"

Bus sign displaying "Next Stop" followed by question marks. Time shows 16:05

15."New and improved pain scale in doctor's office."

Humorous pain scale on a cabinet with levels from 1 (itch) to 10 (unconscious), using playful descriptions like "mailed by a bear."

16."No flushing hopes and dreams."

Sign warning: "Flush only toilet paper and natural waste. No sanitary items, wipes, paper towels, hopes, or dreams. Not even 'flushable' items."

17."Found this at Home Depot."

Toilet display with a sign showing it can flush 7 billiard balls in one go. Pricing details are seen below the toilet

Don't miss last week's funniest signs:

17 Signs From The Past Week That Are So Funny, You'll Be Laughing Until 2025