Donald Trump is 'furious yet scared' after the FBI raided at Mar A Lago

Donald Trump is “furious yet scared” after the FBI raided Mar A Lago.

The former President of the United States is frightened, rethinking his political ambitions and possibly putting his re-election bid on hold after the Federal Bureau of Investigations searched his Florida property on Monday evening (08.08.22) after apparently getting the go-ahead by Merrick Garland, the US Attorney General.

A insider told PEOPLE magazine: "Donald is furious yet scared. He feels victimized and is calling everyone he trusts to give him advice and reassure him that this is a witch hunt. He is buoyed by the Republican support [after the] invasion of privacy."

The raid was believed to be a part of a larger search into apparent misconduct with White House records and into the insurrection that took place at the Capitol Building in January 2021.

However, the insider doesn’t believe that the 7x-year-old former commander-in-chief actually has intention in actually taking residence in the Oval Office ever again.

They said: "He has a good life now and is enjoying it.

"He is definitely making the moves to run but, in the end, I don't think he will unless he is convinced criminal charges are coming.”

However, another source explained that search ignited something in the former ‘The Apprentice’ host - and a lot of other figures in the Republican party such as Marjorie Taylor Greene - to get back on the campaign trail for the 2024 election.

They told NBC News: "If he wasn't running before, he is now. It p***** him off that they can do this to him. One way to get it to stop is to control the government again."