"I Ditched Doing This Years Ago": People Are Revealing The "Appalling" Habits And Behaviors They Will No Longer Accept Now That They're Older
As we get older, our tolerance for certain things changes. So, when older adults from the BuzzFeed Community provided some insights on the things they're too old to deal with anymore, I had to share some of their answers below:
1."Crowds, I am so tired of crowds. Everywhere is crowded, everything is busy."
2."Helping out. It’s expected that I’ll decorate, assemble, cook, count, serve, set up, and break down because I always have. But it’s gotten old, and I’m tired of always being the one. Let someone else get on it."
"My hubby and I were expected to host, cook, and serve for Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve celebration, and New Year's Eve celebrations every year. When we finally established a boundary of how we were and weren't really to contribute if we continued hosting all of the events quickly fell apart. Three years later, and we legit have no regrets!!"
3."It's nauseating trying to navigate online or social applications for employment. At 56 years old, having worked since I was 14, I must now watch videos, provide narratives, and jump through ridiculous hoops just to TRY to get an interview. Look, I did not grow up with a cellphone, laptop, or social media, but my life experiences and work history should still count for something. HR folks, your systems are dysfunctional."
4."Commuting. My work career always seemed to require long, mind-numbing commutes. As a retiree, I bask in the knowledge that day in and day out, I don’t have to set one foot in my car if I don’t want to. Too much wasted time that I wish I could reclaim somehow."
5."Apps! Omg no, no, no I do not want the app. Why would I give you access to my personal life and information for free?"
6."I’m done trying to understand why others act the way they do. I’ve spent way too much of my life analyzing and forgiving bad/poor behavior of others."
"Even if I understand it, I don’t have to accept it. And no matter what, it’s a reflection of them, not me. We all have our issues, and I’m going to focus my energy on mine."
7."Hotel pillows. When you reach a certain age, sleeping wrong feels like a major injury. I have no problem pulling up to a nice hotel and checking in while embracing my IKEA tried-and-true pillow. Next month, it will get to cruise the Caribbean with me."
8."I’m tired of others who talk about their adult kids trying to portray the ‘perfect family.’ Over the years, I’ve discovered that nobody has the perfect family; keep dreaming!"
9."Opening bottles and jars. Why do they make them so hard to open? Also, everything is in a plastic container. There are so many to deal with in the trash."
10."The 'press down and turn' lids on skin cream, pharmaceuticals, and spray bottles. They often don’t work at all! I have carpal tunnel and bone loss in my 72-year-old hands and often can’t open the damn things at all! Why can’t manufacturers put on a simple lock that can be snapped off once the packaging is removed!!!!"
11."I've ditched the bra and underwear years ago. Life is so much more comfortable."
12."Reconciliation of medical bills. Splitting atoms or rocket science is much easier than this."
13."Going to malls. I can’t stand it. It’s so crowded, and the lines are long. Really, I hate any retail stores. Also, lots of people are getting on my nerves now. If I don’t want to talk to someone, I say I don’t want to talk. I don’t care what they think."
Older adults, tell us the things you're too tired to deal with anymore (and why) in the comments below.