How Much to Tip Your Hairdresser, Babysitter, and Everyone Else on Your List This Season

How Much to Tip Your Hairdresser, Babysitter, and Everyone Else on Your List This Season

There is no better time than the end of the year to show your appreciation to those who make your life a bit easier. But in these confusing times, how is one to know what degree of monetary gratitude is appropriate to give? Common sense, individual circumstance, and of course, good old fashioned generosity of spirit should be your guide, but there are a few handy guidelines to help steer your holiday planning in the right direction. Here, we give our hard and fast rules for holiday tipping for everyone in your life from doormen and handymen, to hairdressers, nannies, and more.

General Tipping Etiquette

The following factors, courtesy of the Emily Post Institute, should always be under consideration when it comes to an end of year tip:

  • The quality and frequency of the service you receive.

  • Your relationship with the service provider.

  • Your location—tipping averages tend to be higher in larger cities.

  • The number of years you've been using the service.

  • Your budget: You should never feel obligated to go beyond what you can reasonably afford.

  • If your budget does not allow for tips, consider homemade gifts or a heartfelt thank you note.

  • Any gift or tip should always be accompanied by a short handwritten note of appreciation.

  • Do you already tip regularly? If you tip at the time of service, you may forego an end of the year tip, or give a more modest holiday thank you.

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