Build Bigger Legs and Burn Calories With This 4-Move Leg Day Workout

Photo credit: FreshSplash - Getty Images
Photo credit: FreshSplash - Getty Images

You may have opted to steer clear of the pubs this week, but that’s no excuse for avoiding legless-ness. For this leg workout, you'll only need to grab a pair of dumbbells — or, if you're back in the gym, a selection for variety's sake — and work your way through five rounds of the following punishing protocol.

Moving from low reps to high, front to back and from controlled to explosive movements, this workout leaves no stone unturned on the path to bigger pins.

Rest only as necessary to maintain optimal form, attempting to box off all 275 reps as efficiently as possible. Make a note of your time and aim to shave a few seconds off on subsequent reattempts.

1. Dumbbell Forward Lunge x 5 (Each leg/ 10 total)

Standing tall, grab a set of dumbbells and hold them with straight arms by your sides (A). Keeping your chest up at all times, take a long step forward with one leg, bending your front knee until the back knee touches the ground (B). Stand up explosively, pause and repeat with the other leg.

2. Dumbbell Front Rack Squat x 10

After your final lunge, clean your dumbbells onto your shoulders and take a deep breath (A). Now, drive your hips back and sink down into a squat, your thighs parallel to the floor (B). Drive upward, and go again.

3. Dumbbell Deadlift x 15

With your dumbbells on the floor just outside your feet, hinge down and grip them with a flat back and neutral spine (A). Engage your lats and stand upright, ‘pushing the ground away’ with your feet, squeezing your glutes at the top (B). Your arms should be hanging straight throughout this movement, think of them as hooks.

4. Alternating Split Squat Jump x 20

Drop your bells and step one foot backward sinking into a deep lunge, with your rear knee lightly touching the floor (A). Explode upward, switching legs mid-air (B) to land in a lunge position with the opposite leg forward. Repeat the movement, alternating legs each rep.

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