What the state of your bedside table says about your mental health

Bright white bedroom interior, cozy bed with beige linen, flowers on a bedside table, closeup
The way you style your bedside table can tell a lot about your personality. (Getty Images)

If our bedrooms are our sanctuaries, then our bedside tables are the purest expression of ourselves.

It’s where we place the first things we’ll need in the morning, and the last we’ll need at night.

Bedside tables are home to reading glasses, books, chargers, important documents, opened letters, sleep masks, and photo frames among others.

Yet, the type of bedside table that people prefer fall into three specific categories – and the one that is most similar to yours can actually tell a lot about your personality.

"The choice of bedside table is usually dependent on the personal aesthetic of the buyer," Rachel Marshall, Brand Manager at Bensons for Beds, says.

"However, the reflection of personality goes beyond just choosing a style of bedside table. How one accessories it, keeps it organised and makes use of it is very reflective of their personality type."

Dr Becky Spelman, a psychologist at the Private Therapy Clinic, adds that no matter how you style your bedside table, it should always include a few non-negotiables.

"Personal preference will always play a significant role in matters of the home, however, some recommendations include having a lamp for reading, a clock or alarm for convenience, and a glass of water for hydration," she says.

With this in mind, Dr Spelman has revealed what the three bedside table types – cluttered, minimalist, and super organised – says about your personality.


An unmade empty bed in the sunlight with plants in bedroom. High quality photo
A cluttered bedside table can mean a cluttered mind. (Getty Images)

Can’t see the top of your bedside table due to all the things you’ve placed on there? It can probably be considered cluttered. But, does a cluttered bedside table equal a cluttered mind?

"A cluttered bedside table may suggest a few things about a person's personality," Dr Spelman says.

"It could indicate a tendency towards disorganisation or a busy lifestyle, or it might reflect a creative or sentimental nature if there are lots of meaningful objects close by."


Close-up on simple, white bedside table with decorations next to comfortable bed in bedroom with dark blue wall
Minimalists want their bedside tables to reflect their sense of calm. (Getty Images)

Prefer just a glass of water and a lamp on your bedside table and nothing else? This can be considered minimalist.

"A minimalistic bedside table may suggest that the individual values simplicity and organisation, and they understand the importance of creating a sense of calm in their personal space," Dr Spelman explains.

"They may appreciate a minimalist aesthetic, indicating that they desire clarity and minimal distractions in their life."

Super organised

Bookshelves above a bed with a Marvic fabric headboard
People with organised bedside tables value structure. (Getty Images)

If your bedside table has compartments, or your books are stacked neatly, then your bedside table could be considered ‘super organised’.

"A super organised bedside table suggests that the individual values structure, efficiency, and order," Dr Spelman says.

"They are likely to take a methodical approach to life, paying attention to details and enjoying a sense of control. They most likely desire a well-organised environment for productivity and peace of mind."

There you have it. Which one are you?

Personality types: Read more

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