Braverman’s future hangs in balance amid pro-Palestine Armistice Day march row – live

Rishi Sunak is under pressure from opposition MPs and even some Tories to sack Suella Braverman after she defied Downing Street by writing an article accusing police of bias in allowing pro-Palestinian protests.

The home secretary’s claim that some senior officers apparently “play favourites” was not signed off by No 10, the prime minister’s spokesman made clear.

Downing Street says it is investigating how the article containing an inflammatory comparison between “pro-Palestinian mobs” and marches in Northern Ireland was still sent to The Times for publication.

But a spokesman said Mr Sunak still had full confidence in the home secretary.

She claimed “mob” protesters were “largely ignored” by officers “even when clearly breaking the law” before another London rally on Armistice Day.

No 10 contradicted her claims of police bias, and a Tory ex-cabinet minister said many of their peers believed she should be “returned to the backbenches”.

Yvette Cooper and LibDem leader Sir Ed Davey suggested Ms Braverman should be sacked.

Sir Ed said she was “putting police officers in harm’s way” and had significantly increased the risk of violence towards officers.

Key Points

  • Braverman accuses Met of ‘playing favourites’ by allowing Gaza march

  • Home secretary defies No 10 order to remove inflammatory claims

  • No 10 contradicts home secretary over police bias claim

  • Tory whips ‘ringing MPs to ask views on Braverman’

  • Far-right groups and football hooligans ‘to descend on London during march’

  • Met says pro-Palestine Armistice Day demo to go ahead as ‘law gives no absolute power’ for ban

Tory peer Sayeeda Warsi calls for Suella to be sacked ‘again’

11:37 , Matt Mathers

Conservative peer Sayeeda Warsi has called for Rishi Sunak to sack Suella Braverman “again” in the national interest, Archie Mitchell reports.

Baroness Warsi said Ms Braverman “needs to focus on her job not her personal political ambitions”.

“She was forced to leave for leaking sensitive documents and should never have been reappointed - she must now be sacked again,” the former Tory chairman added.

Mr Sunak sparked fury when he reappointed Ms Braverman as home secretary just days after she was forced to resign from Liz Truss’s government over a serious security breach.

Right-wing Tories are rallying behind the home secretary

11:27 , Matt Mathers

Right-wing Tories have rallied behind the home secretary, warning Rishi Sunak “if you come for her, you come for us”, Archie Mitchell reports.

Suella Braverman’s backers have reminded the prime minister she played a key role in his selection as Tory leader, claiming sacking her will “end very badly for him”.

And they have sought to downplay her remarks as in line with the views of the majority of the country.

Tory MP Miriam Cates mounted a defence of Ms Braverman, telling the BBC her view is “very mainstream in the rest of the UK”.

She said she would "completely disagree" that Ms Braverman was making matters worse with her commentary.

And Ms Cates said we are at a “very serious moment” in British history and instead of talking about Hamas’s terrorist attacks, “we seem to be talking about which version of an article No10 cleared”.

One right-wing Tory MP told the Daily Mail: “There was an operation by the whips to stoke anger against Suella.

“But a large group of MPs on the Right pushed back. The message was simple: ‘Don’t try it, she speaks for us. So if you come for her, you come for us.’”

Royal British Legion backs pro-Palestine demonstrators’ right to protest amid march row

11:23 , Matt Mathers

The Royal British Legion has defended pro-Palestinian demonstrators’ right to protest amid a furious row over whether a rally should be allowed to go ahead on Armistice Day.

The RBL has urged protesters to be peaceful and show respect as mourners flock to London this weekend to remember our war dead.

Amy-Clare Martin reports:

Royal British Legion backs pro-Palestine demonstrators’ right to protest

Suella Braverman must resign now

11:05 , Matt Mathers

As we just reported, Dominic Grieve has written a comment piece for The Independent in which he heavily criticises Suella Braverman and calls for her to resign.

You can read the article in full here:

Suella Braverman must resign now - Dominic Grieve

Braverman ‘weaponised’ Rememberance Day commemorations for ‘own political ends'

10:50 , Matt Mathers

Suella Braverman “weaponised” Remembrance Day commemorations for her “own political ends” and should resign, a former attorney general has said.

Dominic Grieve, the former MP for Beaconsfield, said the home secretary, should not be allowed to “represent us at the Cenotaph on Sunday

In a comment piece for The Independent, Grieve wrote: “This attempted weaponisation shows Braverman to not only be lacking in any understanding of her office or of what freedom under law is about, but to be positively dangerous to the development of common good in our society.

“She is inciting division herself and not acting to calm and curb intemperance and excess, or to modify, by debate, opinions with which she may properly disagree.

“She has sought to create a false narrative that lawfully demonstrating in a march on Armistice Day, about the war in Gaza, is in itself incompatible with being British and part of the collective national remembrance of our war dead.”


Sunak ‘too weak’ to sack Braverman - Reeves

10:35 , Matt Mathers

Rishi Sunak is “too weak” to sack Suella Braverman, Labour’s Rachel Reeves has said.

The shadow chancellor described the home secretary’s comments in a recent newspaper article as “reckless and irresponsible”.

“At a time when the government should be working with our police force, the home secretary is undermining them, and when we should be trying to bring communities together Suella Braverman is dividing them.

“And the prime minister seems to be too weak to take the decisive action that is now needed.”

FIle photo: Rachel Reeves (PA Wire)
FIle photo: Rachel Reeves (PA Wire)

‘Nasty and vindictive’ Braverman ‘really needs to go'

10:19 , Matt Mathers

The SNP’s Westminster leader has said Suella Braverman is a “nasty and vindictive” politician who “really needs to go”.

Speaking to the BBC’s Good Morning Scotland radio programme, Stephen Flynn said Ms Braverman was seeking to direct the police with her comments on protests.

Asked if the Home Secretary should be allowed to scrutinise the police, he said: “There’s a big difference between scrutiny and seeking to give direction to the police.

“Direction which, as I understand it … would break the law. This is a very dangerous moment and the Home Secretary really needs to go.”

“My own view on Suella Braverman is well known.

“I think she’s an incredibly nasty and vindictive politician, someone who attacks the most marginalised in society on a daily basis.”

He said people who wanted to protest peacefully this weekend should be allowed to do so.

The SNP’s Westminster leader welcomed the reports (House of Commons/PA) (PA Wire)
The SNP’s Westminster leader welcomed the reports (House of Commons/PA) (PA Wire)

Tory MP defends Braverman’s ‘mainstream’ views

10:06 , Matt Mathers

Rightwing Conservative MP Miriam Cates defended Suella Braverman after the home secretary suggested police “play favourites” with pro-Palestinian protesters.

“I think the home secretary has a view that is very mainstream in the rest of the UK,” she told BBC R4’s Today programme.

She said she would “completely disagree” that Braverman was making matters worse with her commentary.

Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, another Conservative MP, earlier told the programme Braverman had been “unwise” to share the comments she made about the police in the Times op-ed.

Miriam Cates MP said the group was ‘launching a movement to make sure those 2019 voters give us the support we need to win again next time’ (Danny Lawson/PA) (PA Wire)
Miriam Cates MP said the group was ‘launching a movement to make sure those 2019 voters give us the support we need to win again next time’ (Danny Lawson/PA) (PA Wire)

Sunak risks mutiny on right of party if he sacks Braverman - report

09:56 , Matt Mathers

Rishi Sunak has been warned of a mutiny on the Tory right if he presses ahead with sacking Suella Braverman.

“There was an operation by the whips to stoke anger against Suella,” one of the home secretary’s allies told the Daily Mail.

“But a large group of MPs on the right pushed back. The message was simple: ‘Don’t try it, she speaks for us. So if you come for her, you come for us’.’

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is under pressure to sack Home Secretary Suella Braverman (PA) (PA Wire)
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is under pressure to sack Home Secretary Suella Braverman (PA) (PA Wire)

Braverman ‘guilty’ of using ‘everyday language’ - Anderson

09:46 , Matt Mathers

Lee Anderson has weighed into the Suella Braverman row, saying the home secretary is “guilty” of nothing other than using “everyday language used by everyday people”.

In a post on X in which he took a swipe at Labour MPs for describing “Hamas or Hezbollah as friends”, the red wall MP said, “thank goodness we have a home secretary who refuses to be cancelled.”

“But Suella is guilty. Guilty of saying what most of us are thinking and saying,” the Tory Party deputy chair said.

“Thank goodness we have a Home Secretary who refuses to be cancelled. She is using everyday language used by everyday people. Labour MPs would know this if they got out more. “

Jeremy Hunt: ‘I would not have used those words’

09:36 , Matt Mathers

Jeremy Hunt distanced himself from controversial comments made by Home Secretary Suella Braverman, Archie Mitchell reports.

With pressure growing for Rishi Sunak to fire his home secretary, the chancellor told reporters: "As many other Cabinet ministers have said, the words that she used are not words that I myself would have used.

"But I have a productive relationship with her as a colleague and I have always given her the money that she needs to fund police, bring down crime and to fund the immigration and asylum system."

Watch a clip of Hunt’s interview here:

Braverman’s position ‘untenable’, senior Tory says

09:26 , Matt Mathers

Suella Braverman’s position as home secretary has become untenable, a senior Tory has said.

Bob Neill, chair of the justice committee, said Ms Braverman’s police comments had “gone over the line”.

“Yes I think it is,” he told LBC’s Andrew Marr when asked if the home secretary’s position was untenable.

“I think she’s gone over the line and I was wondering about that earlier today [Thursday].

“I hoped she might not have done but its part of a history of ill-judgement and loose words.”

Conservative MP and Justice Committee chairman Sir Bob Neill (PA) (PA Media)
Conservative MP and Justice Committee chairman Sir Bob Neill (PA) (PA Media)

Top Tory: ‘We cannot carry on as we are… completely unacceptable’

09:16 , Matt Mathers

A senior Tory has said Rishi Sunak should have a “very serious conversation” with Suella Braverman because “we cannot carry on as we are”, Archie Mitchell reports.

Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, treasurer of the 1922 committee of backbench Tory MPs, said Ms Braverman’s behaviour is “completely unacceptable”.

Sir Geoffrey told the BBC the PM should seek an undertaking from Ms Braverman that she will handle similar situations in private in future, or consider replacing her as home secretary.

He said: “On a number of levels the article was unwise. I think these matters of differences of opinion between the Home Secretary and the Metropolitan Police commissioner, are best carried out in private and not elevated to the public domain like this.

“The article was unprecedented.”

128 people arrested in London on suspicion of hate crimes since war broke

08:50 , Matt Mathers

The Metropolitan Police has said a total of 188 people have been arrested on suspicion of hate crimes since the Hamas-Israel broke out.

Of these 98 were suspected anti-semitic offences, 21 are alleged Islamophobic offences and a further 12 are believed to be faith hate crimes.

In addition, 57 were public order offences, including many which are racially aggravated.

Commander Paul Trevers, who is responsible for criminal justice outcomes, said: “This is a challenging time for communities in London.

"We continue to see a very concerning rise in both anti-Semitic and Islamophobic hate crime. This is absolutely unacceptable.

"No-one should be subjected to hate because of their faith or race, and we are taking action against those who are offending.

“In some cases, our officers have taken accounts of extremely shocking and hateful abuse as well as acts of violence.

"We are working with the Crown Prosecution Service to build strong cases against those who offend.

“We continue to work extremely closely with our faith communities and we know the impact on them is not diminishing."

Israel must protect Palestinians in the West Bank - UN rights chief

08:40 , Matt Mathers

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Friday that Israel must take immediate measures to protect Palestinians in the West Bank as they find themselves targeted by more violence since the conflict with Hamas erupted last month.

"I also appeal, as a matter of urgency, for Israeli authorities to take immediate measures, to take steps to ensure the protection of Palestinians in the West Bank, who are being on a daily basis subjected to violence from Israeli forces and settlers, ill treatment, arrests, evictions, intimidation and humiliation," Volker Turk told reporters in the Jordanian capital of Amman.

Volker Turk (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
Volker Turk (Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)

Al-Quds hospital about to run out of fuel - PRCS

08:25 , Matt Mathers

The Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza has less than 24 hours of fuel remaining, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has said.

The aid organisation said the hospital was forced to scale back all its services on Thursday to conserve supplies.

The area around the hospital has come under sustained, heavy bombardment in recent days.

“Urgent international aid is needed due to isolation caused by intense bombardment and closed roads for the fourth day,” PRCS said in a statement.

Drone launched from Syria hits school in Israel - IDF

08:15 , Matt Mathers

A drone launched from Syria hit a school in the southern city of Eilat, Israel’s military has said.

The Israeli Defense Force said it had “struck” back at the organisation that carried out the attack on Thursday.

“The IDF holds the Syrian regime fully responsible for every terror activity emanating from its territory,” it said in a statement.

“We will respond to every aggression against Israel.”

The IDF did not name the organisation and it was not immediately clear if there were any injuries or fatalities.

Expansion of war ‘inevitable’, Iran foreign minister says

08:05 , Matt Mathers

Iran warned the scale of civilian suffering caused by Israel’s war on Hamas would inevitably lead to an expansion of the conflict, as officials in Gaza reported Israeli air strikes on or near several hospitals in the Palestinian enclave.

The comments from Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian could ramp up concerns over whether Washington’s diplomatic efforts and deployment of US naval forces to the eastern Mediterranean will be able to keep the conflict from further destabilising the Middle East.

"Due to the expansion of the intensity of the war against Gaza’s civilian residents, expansion of the scope of the war has become inevitable," Amir-Abdollahian told his Qatari counterpart Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman Al Thani on Thursday night.

Iran’s state-run Press TV reported the comments, made during a telephone conversation, on Friday.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (AFP via Getty Images)
Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (AFP via Getty Images)

Education minister dodges questions on Braverman’s future

07:50 , Matt Mathers

The education minister repeatedly dodged questions on whether Rishi Sunak still has full confidence in Suella Braverman following claims she made about the Met Police.

Robert Halfon said it was up to the prime minister to decide who served as his home secretary.

“What I’m saying is what the government’s focus is on, is ensuring that the remembrance services go ahead peacefully,” he told Sky News when asked about the future of his colleague.

Reports say Braverman could be sacked or moved in an upcoming reshuffle after claiming that the Met was biased in how it polices protests and comparing pro-Palestine demonstrations to marches in Northern Ireland.

Archie Mitchell has the full report:

Tory minister repeatedly refuses to say PM has confidence in Suella Braverman

Sack Suella Braverman now or look weak, George Osborne tells Rishi Sunak over police bias row

07:38 , Matt Mathers

Rishi Sunak has been warned by George Osborne that he risks looking weak unless he sacks Suella Braverman, after an extraordinary row erupted over the home secretary’s incendiary claim that the police are biased.

Ms Braverman’s job is on the line after Downing Street made clear that it had not approved an extraordinary article in which she accused officers of playing favourites over a pro-Palestine march on Armistice Day. No 10 says it is investigating after it demanded that changes be made to the piece but the request was ignored.

Kate Devlin and Adam Forrest report:

Sack Suella Braverman now or look weak, George Osborne tells PM

Watch: Braverman has lost Tories’ support, Labour MP claims

07:00 , Jane Dalton

Suella Braverman lost Tories’ support with Met police bias comment, says Chris Bryant

Watch: View of south Gaza as thousands flee Israeli-Hamas fighting in north

06:20 , Jane Dalton

Watch: View of south Gaza as thousands flee Israeli-Hamas fighting in north

Sunak faces calls to sack Braverman after row over Met criticism sign-off

06:00 , Shweta Sharma

Rishi Sunak is under pressure to sack Suella Braverman after she defied Downing Street by publishing an article accusing police of bias over protests in support of Palestine.

Her claim that there is a perception some senior officers “play favourites”, only the latest inflammatory comment by the Home Secretary in recent days, has prompted frustration and unease among Conservative MPs and sparked calls for the prime minister to sack her after she failed to get Number 10 to sign off the Times piece.

Downing Street was still investigating on Thursday night the “details” about how the article, which also contained a widely-criticised comparison between “pro-Palestinian mobs” and marches in Northern Ireland, was still sent for publication.

Sunak faces calls to sack Braverman after row over Met criticism sign-off

Israel agrees to 4-hour daily pauses in Gaza fighting to allow civilians to flee, White House says

05:30 , Shweta Sharma

Israel has agreed to put in place four-hour daily humanitarian pauses in its assault on Hamas in northern Gaza, the White House said.

Joe Biden had asked Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to institute the daily pauses during a Monday call and said he had also asked the Israelis for a pause of at least three days to allow for hostage negotiations.“Yes,” Mr Biden said, when asked whether he had asked Israel for a three-day pause. “I’ve asked for even a longer pause for some of them.” He added there was “no possibility” of a formal cease-fire at the moment, and said it had “taken a little longer” than he hoped for Israel to agree to the humanitarian pauses.

National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said the Israelis had committed to announcing each four-hour window at least three hours in advance. Israel, he said, also was opening a second corridor for civilians to flee the areas that are the current focus of its military campaign against Hamas, with a coastal road joining the territory’s main north-south highway.

Israel to begin daily four-hour ‘tactical pauses’ in northern Gaza

05:30 , Jane Dalton

Israel is to begin daily four-hour pauses in its military campaign against Hamas in northern Gaza to allow residents to flee south, along with two humanitarian corridors, the White House has said:

Israel to begin daily four-hour ‘tactical pauses’ in northern Gaza – but no ceasefire

Israel strikes near three children hospitals in Gaza, officials say

05:00 , Shweta Sharma

Israel launched air strikes around at least three hospitals this morning further stressing the Palestinian enclave’s precarious health system as it struggles to cope with thousands of people wounded or displaced in Israel‘s war against Hamas militants.

“The Israeli occupation launched simultaneous strikes on a number of hospitals during the past hours”, Gaza Ministry of Health spokesperson Ashraf Al-Qidra told Al Jazeera television.

The medical facilities included Gaza’s biggest hospital, Al Shifa, where Israel said Hamas has hidden command centres and tunnels, allegations Hamas denies.

Mr Qidra said Israel targeted the Gaza City medical complex’s courtyard and there were casualties, but he did not provide details.

Gaza’s hospitals have struggled to care for victims as medical supplies, clean water and fuel to power generators run out.

Gaza’s health ministry has said 18 of Gaza’s 35 hospitals and 40 other health centres were out of service either due to damage from bombardment or lack of fuel.

Palestinian media published video footage of Al Shifa showing the aftermath of an Israeli attack on a parking lot where displaced Palestinians were sheltered and journalists were observing.

A pool of blood could be seen next to the body of a man being placed on a stretcher.

Sunak must fire Braverman, says Labour former home secretary

04:30 , Jane Dalton

Former Labour home secretary Jack Straw said Rishi Sunak must sack Suella Braverman after her “extraordinary” attack on the police.

“He needs to fire her,” the New Labour grandee told The Independent.

“He needs to shows he understands there is a line to be drawn and uphold the independence of the police.”

Mr Straw said: “Picking a fight with Britain’s most senior police officer is an extraordinary and astonishing thing for a home secretary to do – it’s unheard of and shows a fundamental lack of judgement. And failing to sack her would be further evidence of a lack of judgment by him.

“If she thinks right-wing demonstrators get different treatment to left-wing ones, she needs to go into a dark room and lie down. She is out of her depth. She has been thrashing around in frustration at her failure to have any sensible impact in the job.”


Police chief defends rights to make independent operational decisions amid row

04:00 , Shweta Sharma

One of the UK’s most senior police officers has defended the police’s rights to make independent operational decisions amid intense political pressure linked to allegation of bias over Armistice weekend protests.

Gavin Stephens, who is chairman of the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), said that political views could dictate the decision making of police forces.

His comments came after the head of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Mark Rowley, refused to ban a pro-Palestine protest in central London on Saturday, despite pointed public comments by the prime minister and home secretary.

Mr Stephens said: “In policing we need the space to make difficult operational decisions in an independent manner.

“That space is set out very clearly in law in the Policing Protocol Order which was refreshed earlier this year.

“The decisions that we take are not easy ones, but we do so impartially, without fear or favour, and in line with both the law and our authorised professional practice.”

Speaking to journalists ahead of the national demonstrations calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, Mr Stephens said he considers it one of his civic responsibilities to use language carefully and not stoke up community tensions.

Israeli forces approach key Gaza hospital

03:30 , Jane Dalton

Israel’s military is closing in on central Gaza City and its main al-Shifa Hospital, where Israel claims Hamas fighters have a command centre, raising questions about how Israel will interpret international laws on protection of medical facilities and the thousands of displaced people sheltering there.

Israel has not outlined its possible plans for the hospital but says its top priority is dismantling Hamas’ command infrastructure.

Combat engineers are using explosives to destroy tunnels in the Islamist group’s vast underground network, Israel says.

Any Israeli attempt to seize al-Shifa, where video this week showed doctors scrambling to treat an influx of injured people, would risk heavy civilian losses.

Smoke rises as displaced Palestinians take shelter at Al Shifa hospital (REUTERS)
Smoke rises as displaced Palestinians take shelter at Al Shifa hospital (REUTERS)

Editorial: Braverman has gone too far

02:30 , Jane Dalton

The Independent view: A reshuffle is approaching, and Mr Sunak could take advantage of that to retire Ms Braverman. A smart move would be to replace her with someone who has many of the same instincts as she has, but at least respects the conventions of the constitution and the independence of the courts and the police:

Editorial: Suella Braverman has gone too far – we must protect the rule of law

Pro-Palestinian protest divides public opinion

01:30 , Jane Dalton

A pro-Palestinian protest on Armistice Day has divided public opinion, with some saying it is “absolutely appropriate” to call for a ceasefire in Gaza while others have said they are “very wary” to enter central London:

Pro-Palestinian protest on Armistice Day divides public opinion

Anti-Boris plotters will stop Braverman becoming leader, says Nadine Dorries

00:30 , Jane Dalton

Nadine Dorries has said Suella Braverman “becomes a martyr for those on the right of the party” if Rishi Sunak sacks her.

She claimed that the people who lead the Conservative Party, who plotted against Boris Johnson, have been “grooming Kemi Badenoch for years”.

“They won’t allow Suella to succeed. She will never get there,” she said.

Ms Badenoch has met Israeli mothers whose children were kidnapped by Hamas last month.

Braverman’s position ‘untenable’ - senior Tory

09:22 , Matt Mathers

Suella Braverman’s position as home secretary has become untenable, a senior Tory has said.

Bob Neill, chair of the justice committee, said Ms Braverman’s police comments had “gone over the line”.

“Yes I think it is,” he told LBC’s Andrew Marr when asked if the home secretary’s position was untenable.

“I think she’s gone over the line and I was wondering about that earlier today [Thursday].

“I hoped she might not have done but it’s part of a history of ill-judgement and loose words.”

Conservative MP Bob Stewart has been charged with racially abusing a man he allegedly told to ‘go back to Bahrain’ (Richard Townshend/UK Parliament/PA) (PA Media)
Conservative MP Bob Stewart has been charged with racially abusing a man he allegedly told to ‘go back to Bahrain’ (Richard Townshend/UK Parliament/PA) (PA Media)

Braverman ally denies home secretary defied Sunak

Thursday 9 November 2023 23:25 , Jane Dalton

Right-wing Tory MP Miriam Cates defended Suella Braverman, claiming she wasn’t defying Rishi Sunak.

Ms Cates said she was “reflecting very much the public mood”.

The Braverman ally told Times Radio: “I think most people would like to think that politicians are allowed to have independent thought. She has not in any way criticised government policy.

“She has not in any way undermined collective responsibility. She’s shown that she’s a free-thinking leader who has opinions.”

Suspicions Michael Gove could replace Braverman

Thursday 9 November 2023 22:40 , Jane Dalton

Westminster is awash with speculation that Michael Gove could become home secretary if Rishi Sunak decides to sack Suella Braverman.

The levelling-up secretary is said to be keen on one of the great offices of state before the likely election defeat to Labour next year.

Opinion: Don't ban things just because you don’t like them

Thursday 9 November 2023 21:59 , Jane Dalton

Ex-Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson says Saturday’s pro-Palestinian march should be allowed to go ahead – regardless of Saturday being Armistice Day, and even though he personally finds it insensitive:

As an ex-Met chief, I say: You can’t ban things just because you don’t like them

Irish politicians condemn Braverman after Ulster comments

Thursday 9 November 2023 21:27 , Jane Dalton

Northern Irish officials across the political divide have hit out at Suella Braverman for her apparent comparisons between the pro-Palestinian demonstrations and Orange Order marches:

Irish politicians condemn Suella Braverman after Ulster comments

Braverman ‘allowed’ to criticise police, says Lee Anderson

Thursday 9 November 2023 20:56 , Jane Dalton

Tory deputy chair Lee Anderson has defended Ms Braverman, and claimed she was “allowed” to criticise the police.

“She is allowed to comment on and criticise the Met Police. Anyone who thinks her comments are outrageous needs to get out more,” he told the Express.

The Common Sense Group run by Ms Braverman’s mentor John Hayes also defended her. The group’s deputy chairman Tom Hunt said: “I agree with the home secretary.”

Israel to set up humanitarian corridors

Thursday 9 November 2023 20:27 , Jane Dalton

The US says there will be two humanitarian corridors allowing people to flee areas of hostilities in northern Gaza.

State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel said the Rafah crossing was open for aid trucks to enter Gaza and foreign nationals to depart.

He said it was critical humanitarian supplies and assistance be expanded in the areas where people are moving.

The corridors are as well as four-hour pauses in fighting.

Israel agrees to 4-hour daily pauses in Gaza fighting to allow civilians to flee, White House says

Braverman accused of inciting far-right to challenge pro-Palestinian march

Thursday 9 November 2023 20:10 , Jane Dalton

Suella Braverman has been accused by a former Metropolitan Police chief superintendent of “emboldening” far right groups to stage counter protests:

Braverman accused of inciting far-right groups to challenge pro-Palestine march

Far-right groups and football hooligans ‘to descend on London during march’

Thursday 9 November 2023 19:51 , Jane Dalton

Far-right groups and football hooligans are preparing to descend on London on Armistice Day as hundreds of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters march through the capital:

Far-right groups and football hooligans ‘to descend on London during Palestine march’

Two people arrested after Rochdale Cenotaph daubed with ‘free Palestine’ graffiti

Thursday 9 November 2023 19:30 , Jane Dalton

Two people have been arrested after a cenotaph was daubed with the words ‘Free Palestine’:

Two arrested after Rochdale Cenotaph daubed with ‘Free Palestine’ graffiti

Braverman comments not helpful, says senior Tory

Thursday 9 November 2023 19:10 , Jane Dalton

Senior Tory backbencher Tim Loughton has added to mounting criticism of the home secretary, branding her comments “not helpful” and urging the government to let Met commissioner Sir Mark Rowley “get on with the job”.

Mr Loughton told Times Radio: “I haven’t full confidence in some of the comments she’s been making about the demonstrations.”

Opinion: Braverman isn’t a pantomime villain – she’s dangerous

Thursday 9 November 2023 18:51 , Jane Dalton

The home secretary is undermining the police, eroding the right to protest, encouraging Islamophobia, stirring up hatred and effectively encouraging violence on the streets, writes Sean O’Grady. Her language is defiantly extreme and, it seems, designed to provoke fear and anger:

Suella Braverman isn’t just some ‘pantomime villain’ – she’s dangerous

Politicians not there to dictate to police, says Patel

Thursday 9 November 2023 18:30 , Jane Dalton

Ms Braverman’s predecessor as home secretary, Priti Patel, said it was vital to respect the “operational independence” of the police when trying to make sure Covid regulations were enforced – in an apparent dig at her successor.

The ex-home secretary told the Covid inquiry: “Throughout the pandemic I felt that I spent a great deal of time reminding my colleagues of the role of policing ... and also operational independence, and that we as politicians are not there to dictate directly to the police as to when to arrest people and enforce the law.”


Braverman, Tory right standard-bearer, faces doubtful future

Thursday 9 November 2023 18:20 , Jane Dalton

The furore over the home secretary’s comments is just the latest in a long line of rows centred on a minister who has often appeared to be a loose cannon:

Suella Braverman, Tory right standard bearer, again faces doubtful future

Israel to begin four-hour pauses in Gaza fighting, US says

Thursday 9 November 2023 18:05 , Jane Dalton

Israel will begin four-hour pauses in northern Gaza starting today to allow people to flee hostilities, the White House said, in what it called a step in the right direction.

White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said the pauses emerged out of discussions between US and Israeli officials in recent days, including talks US president Joe Biden had with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Mr Kirby said the pauses would allow people to get out of harm’s way and for deliveries of humanitarian aid and could be used as a way to get hostages out.

“We’ve been told by the Israelis that there will be no military operations in these areas over the duration of the pause, and that this process is starting today,” Mr Kirby said.

Israel’s ground offensive in Gaza City on Thursday (REUTERS)
Israel’s ground offensive in Gaza City on Thursday (REUTERS)

Protester charged with supporting Hamas near No 10

Thursday 9 November 2023 17:51 , Jane Dalton

Terror prosecutors have charged a demonstrator with supporting Palestinian militant group Hamas during a Downing Street protest.

Urslaan Khan, 41, from east London, is accused of expressing an opinion supportive of the proscribed terrorist organisation close to Number 10 on October 17.

He has been bailed to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on November 17.

Five people arrested after Scottish Parliament protest

Thursday 9 November 2023 17:30 , Jane Dalton

Five people have been arrested after pro-Palestinian protesters scaled up part of the Scottish Parliament building and unfurled a banner.

The group had attached a Palestinian flag to the awning above the main entrance, along with a banner reading “stop arming Israel”.

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: “Five people have been arrested following protest activity on a roof area of the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh which took place on Thursday, November 9, 2023.”


Sacking home secretary would show strength, says ex-chancellor

Thursday 9 November 2023 17:04 , Jane Dalton

George Osborne has said sacking Suella Braverman would let Rishi Sunak “demonstrate strength” and help him in his bid to be the “change candidate”.

Speaking on his Political Currency podcast, the ex-chancellor said: “The kind of classic political logic now would say, you can’t fire her, you’ll have a big Tory rebellion, she’s too powerful, you’re too weak at the moment to pull that off.

“But there’s another way of looking at it, which is – you’re 20 points behind in the polls, your personal ratings aren’t great. How can you demonstrate strength? How can you demonstrate a gutsy approach? How can you be the change candidate that you say you want to be?

“And if he fired her, there would be a big row, there would be a lot of fireworks. But ultimately, prime ministers tend to win those encounters because the home secretary will suddenly become a backbencher.”

Tory deputy chair condemns ‘dangerous’ Braverman remarks

Thursday 9 November 2023 16:45 , Jane Dalton

MP Nickie Aiken, a deputy chair of the Conservative Party, said Ms Braverman’s comments were dangerous.

“The police should never be involved in politics, and politicians should never get involved in policing operations. The police must police without fear or favour, and it is a very dangerous precedent to state otherwise,” she told The Guardian.

“These protests should not be stopped by political whim.”

Downing Street declines to give views on Braverman

Thursday 9 November 2023 16:38 , Jane Dalton

Downing Street has declined to offer any update on Suella Braverman after the publication of her controversial article accusing police of “playing favourites” with pro-Palestinian protesters.

A spokeswoman for the Prime Minister said No 10 was still looking into what happened after the article was published without getting sign-off from Downing Street.

She declined to say when there might be an update or whether it was a breach of the ministerial code.

Rishi Sunak today hosted a reception in Downing Street to celebrate Diwali.

 (via REUTERS)

Starmer stands by rejection of ceasefire call

Thursday 9 November 2023 16:25 , Jane Dalton

Sir Keir Starmer has said his rejection of calls for a ceasefire in the Middle East still stands after a Labour frontbencher resigned in protest.

The Labour leader admitted his party was divided on the issue but said there was unity in “condemning the terrorist attack by Hamas” and “being clear about Israel’s right to self-defence”.

Imran Hussain MP said he was quitting his role as a shadow minister to be able to “strongly advocate” for a cessation of hostilities.

Sir Keir said: “There is a division on whether we should call for a humanitarian pause, which is my position as I’ve set out very, very clearly, and some who think we should have a ceasefire, which again I’ve rejected very clearly.

“But this is not a usual political divide because what people are yearning for is a reduction of the terrible events that we’re seeing, the innocent deaths we’re seeing in Gaza, and that’s why a humanitarian pause is so important.”

Tory whips ‘ringing MPs to ask views on Braverman’

Thursday 9 November 2023 16:13 , Jane Dalton

Journalist Christopher Hope of GB News said Tory MPs have told him that government whips are now ringing round backbenchers to ask for their views on Suella Braverman’s comments.

Which suggests she is in serious trouble, writes political correspondent Adam Forrest.

Labour ask Sunak whether Braverman broke ministerial code

Thursday 9 November 2023 16:05 , Jane Dalton

A Labour MP has written to the prime minister highlighting how No 10 did not clear Ms Braverman’s article before it was sent.

Pat McFadden asked Mr Sunak both whether it was a breach of the ministerial code and what he would do about it, adding: “To say that the article was not cleared and then do nothing about it would strip you of all authority over the home secretary and leave her free to continue to do and say whatever she likes with no fear of sanction from you.”

It would be a display of weakness and “an extraordinary situation” for a government, Mr McFadden said.

IDF strike Lebanon building 'used by Hezbollah militants’

Thursday 9 November 2023 15:50 , Jane Dalton


IDF strikes building in Lebanon they claim Hezbollah militants used

Home Office minister says police discussions should be private

Thursday 9 November 2023 15:35 , Jane Dalton

A Home Office minister has waded into the row over the policing of protests, telling parliament that “in a perfect world” such conversations should be held in private and insisting Scotland Yard was “doing a good job”.

Lord Sharpe’s comments appear to put him at odds with Suella Braverman, who wrote a less-than-private article in The Times accusing the Metropolitan Police of “applying a double standard” to how it deals with demonstrations.

Home secretary unfit for office, claims Palestine Solidarity leader

Thursday 9 November 2023 15:15 , Jane Dalton

The director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign claims Ms Braverman’s arguments are “further evidence of her unfitness for office”.

Ben Jamal accused the home secretary of trying to “delegitimise” calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and “support for the rights of the Palestinian people by defaming those marching for peace as ‘hateful’ and terrorist sympathisers”.

He added: “Rishi Sunak bears responsibility for her being in office and for his own irresponsible remarks which have added to a climate of division and greenlighted far-right activists seeking to disrupt people’s right to protest.

“Hundred of thousands of people will ignore these efforts at intimidation and march for peace and justice on November 11.”

The Independent has asked the Home Office to respond.

No 10 contradicts home secretary over police bias claim

Thursday 9 November 2023 14:56 , Jane Dalton

A Downing Street official spokesman has contradicting Suella Braverman’s claims of police bias, saying: “The Prime Minister continues to believe that the police will operate without fear or favour.”

But Mr Sunak still has full confidence in the Home Secretary, the spokesman said.

He declined to offer judgment on whether she broke the ministerial code, which states that “all major interviews and media appearances, both print and broadcast, should also be agreed with the No 10 press office”.

Watch: Sunak too weak to sack Braverman, says Keir Starmer

Thursday 9 November 2023 14:40 , Jane Dalton

Braverman defies No 10 order to remove inflammatory claims

Thursday 9 November 2023 14:25 , Jane Dalton

No 10 has made clear it did not approve Suella Braverman’s incendiary op-ed which accused the Metropolitan Police of bias in allowing Saturday’s pro-Palestine march to go ahead:

Suella Braverman defied No 10’s order over police bias article

‘Many of us think she should be sacked,’ says Tory ex-minister

Thursday 9 November 2023 14:12 , Jane Dalton

A former cabinet minister told The Independent that Ms Braverman’s comments were “completely unacceptable” and “absolutely ridiculous”.

The MP said many of their peers were “looking with amazement” at her behaviour and believed she should be “returned to the backbenches”.

On her allusions to Northern Ireland, the Tory former senior politician added that her comments had “caused huge offence among the loyalist sides”, adding that she “clearly doesn’t know anything” about the conflict.

Sunak ‘spineless and weak’, say Labour in attack ads

Thursday 9 November 2023 14:05 , Jane Dalton

Labour is going all-in on Suella Braverman’s position. The opposition’s latest social media attack advert showing a “spineless” PM reads: “Rishi Sunak has no backbone. He’s got Suella’s back instead.”

And earlier video called Mr Sunak “weak weak weak”.

Don’t fuel hatred and division, says minister

Thursday 9 November 2023 13:50 , Jane Dalton

Tory minister Paul Scully has appeared to criticise Suella Braverman, telling the BBC: “I’m saying to every minister, every political leader – we’ve got to use our language carefully.”

The minister for London added: “We’ve got to make sure that we concentrate on dampening things down rather than fuelling that sort of hatred and that division.”

Commons may vote on ceasefire calls

Thursday 9 November 2023 13:35 , Jane Dalton

Calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza could be put to a vote in the House of Commons next week.

The SNP said it intended to seek a vote on its King’s Speech amendment, which calls on the government to “join with the international community in urgently pressing all parties to agree to an immediate ceasefire”.

SNP Westminster leader Stephen Flynn said Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer “cannot just sit on their hands” while “collective punishment” takes place.

A backbench Labour-led amendment seeking an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict has also been tabled.

It will be for Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle to decide whether any of the amendments are selected for consideration, which would pave the way for a vote.

The King’s Speech debate comes to an end on Wednesday. It is at this point that votes usually take place.

Sir Keir has come under pressure for his stance on the conflict, with at least 16 shadow ministers either having called for a ceasefire or shared others’ calls on social media, while around 30 councillors have resigned.

Who is Suella Braverman? Home secretary under pressure after accusing police of bias

Thursday 9 November 2023 13:20 , Barney Davis

Suella Braverman has sparked a huge political row after accusing the police of “playing favourites” by letting pro-Palestinian protesters march on Armistice Day.

In an explosive newspaper op-ed she doubled down on her views the demonstration on Saturday in central London by activists was a “hate march”.

She said that Islamists were the march to express “primacy” and compared it to rallies in Northern Ireland linked to terrorist groups.

We look at her rise, fall and rise again:

All you need to know about ‘out of control’ home secretary Suella Braverman

PSC continue to urge people to join ‘biggest political demo in history’ on Saturday

Thursday 9 November 2023 13:08 , Barney Davis

Palestinian Solidarity Campaign have said they will continue to call for a ceasefire in Gaza on Armistice Day amid ‘smears’ from Suella Braverman.

Saturday’s march organisers posted a lengthy thread to X, adding: “This Saturday, we march in London again for what we expect to be one of the biggest political demonstrations in British history.

“Join us in unity for human rights and international law and help us to make history on November 11.”

PM doesn’t agree with Suella that police are biased against rightwing groups

Thursday 9 November 2023 13:05 , Barney Davis

The PM’s spokesperson has suggested that Rishi Sunak does not agree with Suella Braverman’s claim that the police are biased against right-wing protest groups.

Asked if Rishi Sunak agreed with his home secretary’s Times op-ed, the spokesperson said that Sunak had had a “constructive conversation” with Sir Mark Rowley the Met’s commissioner yesterday.

After being pressed by reporters the spokesperson added: “The prime minister continues to believe the police will operate without fear or favour.”

Penny Mordaunt jokes about potential tent ban in Commons

Thursday 9 November 2023 12:49 , Jane Dalton

The Home Secretary has no plans to ban the outdoor equipment shop Millets, Penny Mordaunt joked after Suella Braverman’s proposals to limit the availability of tents to the homeless.

The Commons Leader said the Government had made the “largest investment ever” in tackling homelessness and rough sleeping after being questioned on Ms Braverman’s plans by Labour’s Lucy Powell.

Despite expectations that Tuesday’s King’s Speech would include a ban on charities from handing out tents to the homeless, the measure was notably absent from the address.

Last week, Ms Braverman said many rough sleepers who bed down on the streets have made a “lifestyle choice” and that action was needed to ensure the UK did not follow the example of some cities in the US where “weak policies” had triggered an “explosion of crime, drug taking, and squalor”.

Ms Mordaunt replied to a Labour question: “The Home Secretary has no plans to ban Millets.

“We are not doing that.

“This Government has made the largest investment ever in tackling homelessness and rough sleeping.

“£2 billion to accelerate its mitigation and prevention, including preventing 640,000 people in the last five years from becoming homeless.”

Downing Street refuses to comment whether Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman have ‘good working relationship’

Thursday 9 November 2023 12:45 , Barney Davis

“They continue to work closely,” the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said when pushed by reporters.

No 10 added that it was “important to consider language carefully”, but refused to say whether it believes all ministers are currently doing this.

Asked whether the Home Secretary’s actions amounted to a breach of the ministerial code, the spokesman said: “I’m not the arbiter of the code, it’s not for me to opine.”

Downing Street said it would not “set a timeframe” on when an update will be provided on the matter.

Sunak ‘too weak’ to sack Braverman, says Starmer

Thursday 9 November 2023 12:42 , Adam Forrest

Keir Starmer accused Suella Braverman of being “divisive” and “stoking up tension”.

The Labour leader also said the home secretary was “undermining the police as they go into a very difficult set of operational decisions.”

He told broadcasters: “She is doing the complete opposite of what I think most people in this country would see as the proper role of the home secretary.”

Sir Keir also said Rishi Sunak is “too weak to say anything about it”.

Asked whether he thought Ms Braverman should be sacked, Sir Keir said that is a question for the PM. He said: “He must know that this isn’t the way the home secretary should behave … He’s got a home secretary who’s out of control and he is too weak to do anything about it.”

Suella Braverman accused of inciting far right groups to challenge pro-Palestine march

Thursday 9 November 2023 12:41 , Barney Davis

The home secretary was branded “out of control” and “unhinged” for her extraordinary comments which claimed the Metropolitan Police is biased in its approach to policing pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

Ms Braverman has now been accused of ramping up tensions with her remarks after far right groups, including Tommy Robinson, vowed to stage counter demonstrations.

Amy-Clare Martin reports:

Braverman accused of inciting right-wing groups to challenge pro-Palestine march

Human rights officer says brother killed in Gaza bombing

Thursday 9 November 2023 12:38 , Barney Davis

Rasha Abushaban, who worked for the United Nations, has claimed her brother Rami was killed in Gaza by ‘barbarian’ Israeli forces.

The Chevening Scholar paid tribute to her brother, writing in Arabic on X: “God chose you and chose you, my tender, my beloved.”

The Chevening Scholarship, funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) are awarded to outstanding scholars with leadership potential.

Braverman defies No 10’s order to take out inflammatory element of police attack article

Thursday 9 November 2023 12:25 , Barney Davis

No 10 has made clear that it did not approve Suella Braverman’s incendiary op-ed which accused the Metropolitan Police of bias in allowing Saturday’s pro-Palestine march to go ahead.

The home secretary has sparked a furious outcry after she accused Scotland Yard of “playing favourites” over the Gaza rally set to take place – claimed police bias had stopped right-wing protests but permitted “pro-Palestinian mobs” to demonstrate.

Rishi Sunak’s official spokesman said Downing Street did not approve the final text of Ms Braverman’s op-ed for The Times.

Adam Forrest reports:

Camilla opens Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey

Thursday 9 November 2023 12:15 , Barney Davis

Queen Camilla was pictured dressed in a black cape and hat during a visit to the Field of Remembrance, in its 95th year.


She placed a memorial cross during the solemn ceremony at Westminster Abbey in London, ahead of Armistice Day on Saturday.

Queen Camilla also met veterans of the armed forces.


The Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey will be officially opened and accessible to the public from 1pm.

From Thursday 9th November until Sunday 19th November the Field is scheduled to be open from 10am to 4pm.

The Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey has been organised by The Poppy Factory since 1928.

Number 10 distances itself from Suella Braverman article

Thursday 9 November 2023 12:05 , Barney Davis

Suella Braverman’s job hangs in the balance after the PM’s spokesperson confirmed her Times op-ed was “not cleared by No 10”.

Downing Street took the unusual step in confirming earlier Sky and Telegraph reports in a shock move as it usually doesn’t comment on process during internal rifts within the cabinet.

The spokesperson would not add anything more when pushed by reporters.

He would not say whether No 10 did not see the article before publication or whether No 10 requested changes which were ignored.

Asked if the PM had confidence in Braverman, the spokesperson said yes.

They added No 10 was still trying to establish exactly what happened and to expect a potential further “update”.

‘Stop arming Israel’ Protesters scale Scottish Parliament to hang Palestinian flag

Thursday 9 November 2023 11:57 , Barney Davis

Five protesters have climbed up the awning outside the main entrance and are displaying the flag and a Stop Arming Israel banner.

The protest comes ahead of First Minister’s Questions at noon.

The group of pro-Palestinian protesters who have climbed the Scottish Parliament said they are not part of an organisation.

As reporters shouted questions, one member of the group, who all have their faces covered, said: “We’re here to put pressure on the Scottish Government to take action against arms exports to Israel.”

A Scottish Parliament spokesperson said: “Protestors have gained access to the roof and unfurled a banner. Police Scotland are in attendance. There is no disruption to parliament business and public access to the building is unaffected.”

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “We’re aware of the protest and officers are in attendance.”

Supreme Court to rule on Rwanda policy next week

Thursday 9 November 2023 11:49 , Adam Forrest

The Supreme Court is to give its decision on whether Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman’s plans to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda are lawful next week.

Last month, the Home Office challenged a Court of Appeal ruling from June that the multimillion-pound deal – which would see asylum seekers put on one-way flights to the east African nation – was unlawful.

Five justices at the UK’s highest court are now to give their decision on the challenge on Wednesday, November 15.

The Illegal Migration Act brought into law the government’s policy of sending some asylum seekers to Rwanda. However, the policy announced in April 2022 has been held up in the courts, with no deportation flights having taken place.