Annotated solutions for Prize 28,303

* ABBA songs


9 inebriate 1/NE<BAR/IT(anag)>E

10* honey [Honey, Honey]

11 attic (l)ATTIC(e)

12 abnegated AB<GEN(rev)>ATED

13 gorilla G<O(pposition)RILL>A

14 niblick NIB + LICK

17* money change [Money, Money, Money]

19* I do wedding words [I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do]

21 eye-drop PORE DYE (anag)

22 in a spot ON TAP IS (anag)

26 Greer GREE(k)/R(ight) [Germaine Greer]

28,4* Hasta Mañana MATS/AH! (rev) + A NANA

29 overeaten OVER/EA(ch) TEN(6 + 4)


1,23,24across* A/PRETTY/BALL in NINE (Muses) + RAIN (anag) [Nina, Pretty Ballerina]

2 setter double def

3 bricklayer BRICK + LAYER

5* Fernando (in)FERNO around AND

6 thug gunshoT HUGe (hidden)

7 on strike double def

8 Byrd bird (hom) [William Byrd]

13 gimme easy putt [Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!]

15 bedraggled RAGG<L(eft)>ED under BED

16 kempt KE<M(ale)>PT

18 needless NEEDLES/S(outh)

19 imprison IMPRI<SO>N(t)

22,20* I Have a Dream double def

24 baht BA<H(ard)>T

25 elan havaNA LEgendary (hidden rev)

27 * ring Ring Ring