5 best folding treadmills for home gyms and small spaces

running in living room on horizon folding treadmill
5 best folding treadmills for 2024Trevor Raab

The allure of a treadmill is strong. When the sky is dumping buckets of rain, you can still get your jog or workout in. But some of the best treadmills take up valuable real estate in an already crowded room or garage — we don't all have the space for one.

That’s where the value of a folding treadmill proves itself. It folds up into a more compact shape for storage, so you can slide it into a corner between runs.

How we test folding treadmills

Every treadmill on this list has been thoroughly evaluated and tested by our team of editors. We research the market, speak with product managers and engineers, and use our own experience running on treadmills for extended sessions to determine the best options. We factor in key features such as running belt width and length, overall size, horsepower (HP), and weight capacity.

Our team of experienced testers spent many hours indoors assessing all the features of these machines. We’ve done easy runs in a garage, long runs in a living room watching films, and tried out all the interactive and studio class features offered. We evaluated them on price, performance, durability, value, reliability, and safety to come up with this list of folding treadmills that will suit your needs when you want to run inside.

The best folding treadmills for 2024

The Commercial 2450 is among the newer running treadmills in NordicTrack’s line, replacing the Commercial 2950 that we’ve loved for many years. Aside from its more modern angles and Z-shaped frame, the 22-inch touch screen now tilts and pivots. And the deck makes adjustments to speed and incline quicker than earlier generations.

Our testers love the enormous 22-inch touch-screen display on the 2950, which is the same size as you'll find on the new 2450. It offers a broad range of coaching options. 'It actually kept me engaged in the running rather than droning music and TV,' said one tester. 'The trail climb I did had a lot of speed and incline variation that felt natural.'

To accomplish that, the treadmill taps into the iFit programming platform, where you can get video lessons from coaches and elite runners. A guided run through Patagonia leads you along scenic trails, while the machine automatically adjusts the incline and speed to make the experience feel realistic. Is it? Well, no. But the large display helps you forget that you’re stuck in your garage. We just wish you could use it to stream Netflix, too.

Instead of focusing on entertainment, Horizon keyed in on features to give you greater control of your workout. The 7.0 AT folding treadmill has limited training options, but connects easily to an iPad or Android tablet so you can take Peloton classes or run using Zwift. We liked the thumb dials mounted chest-high on the hand grips that let you quickly make big jumps in speed and incline — it feels way more fluid than trying to stab at buttons on a console.

We don’t often recommend ’mills that cost less than £1,000 because they generally have small motors and inadequate frames for the pounding that runners inflict, but the 7.0 AT is surprisingly steady. We set it up in the home of a sub-3 hour marathoner who weighs 66kg pounds, and he found that the deck didn’t shake during intervals. The belt is narrower and shorter than we’d prefer, but you’ll appreciate its small profile if you’re setting it up in a tight space.

Though it has a smaller motor than some of our top picks and lacks a fancy touch screen, the Sole F80 treadmill is still a serious training tool. The durable frame can support runners up to 170kg, so it’ll take any beating you can deliver. And the gentle bounce is soft underfoot but not so much as to cause any stability issues. (The Sole F85 treadmill has a 4.0 HP motor and larger rollers for even better performance, though it costs more.)

It has some neat design flourishes, including handy rail-mounted buttons to control speed and incline that let you grip the rail and squeeze the button with a thumb, rather than jabbing at the console when you’re running all out. If you need interactive coaching, the iPad holder lets you bring your own device. Or, just prop this machine up in front of a big screen TV and binge some Netflix on your long runs.

When it comes to bang for your buck, the 1750 has always been hard to beat. The newest iteration of this folding treadmill is even better, with a faster touch-screen console and a quieter, faster incline motor. It still features all of the convenience options you find on NordicTrack machines, like quick keys to jump to a particular speed or incline with a single tap. 'They let me adjust speed instead of pounding the arrows while at times holding on for dear life,' said one tester.

But now you’re less likely to need those speed adjustment buttons thanks to a larger touch screen and the ever-growing library of trainer-led workouts. The 10-inch screen offers double the real estate of the earlier model, though testers still felt it was a tad too small. But it’s large enough to see the countryside in Germany, for example, where one tester virtually followed pro Lucy Bartholomew on a gentle trail run.

Underfoot, we found the 22-by-60-inch running surface spacious enough for high-speed intervals, and the machine’s folding deck remained stable as we cranked up the speed, with just the slightest bounce. The cushioning underfoot is adjustable, so you can make it a bit firmer, and the machine responds quickly to changes in speed and incline. The iFit training workouts are great but don’t let you adjust duration or intensity on the fly.

Folding treadmills don’t really disappear — but you can easily slide this one into a closet when you’re done with your jog. The Echelon Stride-6 collapses nearly flat and could slip under a bed. It has an impressive top speed despite its motor being on the smaller side when compared to the other treadmills we’ve tested.

But it’s built for more than just walking and easy jogs. The Stride-6 packs a lot of training tools you find on the company’s higher-end running treadmills, like the Stride-8S. (Our favourite fun training hack? You have the option to gamify your run with races through Echelon’s virtual worlds.)

The treadmill itself does not have a touch screen, so you’ll have to bring your own iPad or tablet. Connect to the interactive Echelon training app to get coaching, live workouts, and virtual walks through scenic locations.

What to consider

Make no mistake, a quality folding treadmill is still a large piece of equipment that isn’t going to go unnoticed — few collapse small enough to be jammed into a closet. The construction, however, makes them lighter than their non-folding counterparts and easier to roll into a corner, freeing up floor space.

A quality folding treadmill can deliver nearly the same performance as traditional treadmills with a variety of programming and interactive features, but they can set you back a few thousand dollars. That investment will pay for itself over the years as you jog extra miles and do workouts you might otherwise have skipped.

Compromises of folding treadmills

There’s a trade-off to choosing a folding treadmill. Typically the frames are lighter and the hinge mechanism introduces some extra play and instability that you don’t experience on traditional machines. In short, most of them just aren’t built to withstand as much pounding. In our testing, we found these models to be sufficiently stable and sturdy — even the most budget-friendly models can be used by runners weighing up to 100kg.

If you’re looking for a machine that you can run on every single day and put in high mileage for years to come, based on my experience testing treadmills for over a decade, I recommend you check out a machine with a rock-solid frame and larger motor. But, if space is an issue or you’re looking for a treadmill that will see occasional running and walking, the machines below will keep you on the move.

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