47 Ingenious Things Other Countries Have That Make The US Feel Like It's Living In The 1800s
1.Aruba has a machine that puts on your sunscreen FOR YOU. It literally rotates you around and sprays it everywhere so you don't have to get your hands all greasy and don't miss spots.
2.The absolute worst part about pooping in public bathrooms is that everyone can hear you. But not in Japan, where you can mask the sound with music!
3.Meat you buy in Norway comes with little measures that tell you how many days are left before it goes bad.
4.Tokyo, Japan has an "air shower" for people who are allergic to pollen, to basically blow it off you and your clothes.
5.Warsaw, Poland has a section of the sidewalk specifically for people looking at their phones, so you won't get stuck behind slow walkers glued to their cellphones.
6.The entire pole lights up on these traffic lights in Moscow, Russia, so there's no way you can miss the color change.
7.Croatia has benches that not only charge your phone (using solar power!!!) but also provide Wi-Fi. Oh, and a place to sit, obviously.
8.There's a restaurant in Finland where you can get your server's attention just by turning this device:
9.This ingenious Japanese hack for carrying pizza boxes without them sliding to the side NEEDS to exist in the US.
10.Similarly, there's a restaurant in India with a big sign showing you how to order with sign language so you can order across the room and don't have to worry about pronunciation.
11.In Japan, you can choose a cart color based on if you'd like assistance or not...which is basically an introvert's dream.
12.The tops on recycling bins in Sweden show you exactly what you're supposed to put in them.
13.Japan has emergency toilets in elevators. Just in case.
14.In France, there are parking garages with these neat little dividers to stop people from accidentally denting or scratching the car next to them when they get out.
15.Turkey has a restaurant that automatically shows you how to easily split up the bill, so you don't even have to do any math.
16.This Croatian intersection has a 3D map of the intersection so people who are blind know what it looks like.
17.Free seltzer dispensers in the US would actually be a game changer for me, a chronic La Croix drinker. Too bad I'd have to go to France to access one!
18.Morocco hides ugly utility poles under much prettier fake palm trees.
19.You can get an umbrella out of a vending machine in Hong Kong.
20.And in Singapore, there's an umbrella-sharing project where you can just take one when you need one!
21.Italy has pet carts at grocery stores, so you don't have to leave your dog outside while you shop.
22.German grocery stores have a special place on the back of their shopping carts for beer.
23.Speaking of shopping carts, there are also shopping cart cleaning machines in Germany.
24.This movie theater in Croatia has literal beds in the last row. We all want to lie down when watching movies anyway!!! Gimme the bed seats!
25.In the UK, there are emergency buttons on elevator floors in case you've collapsed.
26.Belgium has the same thing in their train bathrooms.
27.In Rome, Italy, there are UPS delivery bikes for narrow streets and alleyways.
28.You can actually move this headrest from a transport in Denmark to whatever height you need.
29.There's a ski resort in Japan that uses saltwater sprinklers to keep pavement from getting too icy and dangerous.
30.Belgian supermarkets have special parking spots close to the store just for pregnant women.
31.In Italy, bottle caps stay attached to bottles so you don't drop or lose them.
32.This Norway bus stop has books so you won't be bored waiting for your bus.
33.And Spain has a book vending machine, so if you forgot your book and you're on the go, you can quickly grab a new one!
34.The Auckland airport in New Zealand has a child's toilet and an adult toilet in a single stall for parents.
35.Speaking of toilets...there are places in Japan where you can see a full layout of toilets that are occupied, so you don't have to awkwardly try opening stalls that have people in them.
36.In Germany, there's a boat drive-thru for McDonald's in case you get hungry cruising down the river.
37.In Canada, there's bike repair equipment on the bike paths, in case you run into trouble.
38.In China, there's a McDonald's that sends down the food on a conveyer belt from the floor above. (Okay, maybe this one isn't convenient, but I still think it's cool, okay?)
39.There's a mini sink at Norwegian Burger Kings so you can empty your drink before throwing it in the trash.
40.This Italian supermarket has knee-activated water faucets so you don't have to turn on the faucet with dirty hands, then turn it off with clean ones.
41.Lisbon, Portugal has an open-air escalator (why aren't there more of these???).
42.Police cars in Japan can raise their blinking lights so it's easier for people to see them above other cars.
43.You can get mini gloves that just cover your fingers in South Korea — they often come with pizza or chips.
u/Vlaed / Via reddit.com, [deleted] / Via reddit.com
44.South Korean cakes also usually come with candles and matches — all inside a free cake knife.
45.Some toilets in Copenhagen, Denmark have special bins in each stall to hold your electronics while you're using the bathroom.
46.In Hong Kong, there's a restaurant where there are draft beer dispensers right at your table.
47.And finally, in Australia, your tax returns share where your taxes actually went. Catch up, America!!!
H/T: r/mildlyinteresting