4 common vaginal odours (and what they mean)

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From Cosmopolitan

The smell of your vagina is a pretty delicate topic and not one you’re likely to feel comfortable discussing with your friends over Friday night drinks.

That said, the way your lady garden smells can actually tell you a lot about your health and, if you get a whiff of something unusual from down below, it can be a sign that something’s not quite right.

"Any sudden change in your discharge may indicate a vaginal infection," says Dr Vanessa Mackay, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist and spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetritians and Gynaecologists. "Women should be aware of how their discharge naturally varies throughout their cycles and what isn't normal."

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While the amount changes throughout your cycle, discharge is usually clear or white with no strong smell or distinct colour.

"The warning signs of infection include a change in colour or consistency, a sudden bad smell, an unusually large amount of discharge, itching outside the vagina or pain in the pelvis or tummy, or unexpected bleeding from the vagina," adds Dr Mackay.

"If you aren’t sure whether your discharge and its smell is normal, visit a GP, practice nurse or pharmacist."

With this in mind, read on for an explanation of four common vaginal odours and what to do about them:

1. Musky

Fact: your vagina will probably always smell a little due to the presence of bacteria and the high concentration of sweat glands. A faint, musky smell (that most of the time you’re unaware of) is just your run-of-the mill, healthy vaginal odour.

According to the American College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians, “a certain amount of vaginal oduour is normal.”

So unless it’s very strong and noticeable, some odour is nothing to worry about.

2. Fishy

A strong fishy smell coming from your vagina could be a sign of bacterial vaginosis. It won’t be accompanied by any itching or soreness, but the smell is usually worse after sex.

According to the NHS, BV is not classed as a sexually-transmitted infection, but can be passed on to another woman during sex.

The good news is that it’s harmless and easily treatable; a doctor will be able to confirm the presence of BV and prescribe antibiotics to get rid of the infection.

A fishy odour may also signal trichomoniasis if accompanied by a heavier, green or yellow discharge. The NHS describes trichomoniasis as an STI caused by a type of parasite, but again it's completely treatable.

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3. Metallic

If you’re on your period, a metallic smell is pretty normal due to the blood loss. During your period, your vagina’s pH level changes and the iron-heavy blood causes that metallic smell.

However, if the metallic odour hangs around long after your period, gets worse or is accompanied by any pain or itching, go and speak to your doctor.

4. Yeast

Yeast infections don’t usually have a strong smell, but if you notice a slightly "yeast-y" smell along with very thick, cottage-cheese like discharge, you could have thrush.

Other symptoms of thrush include irritation and or itching around the vagina and a stinging sensation during sex or when you urinate.

Your GP will be able to diagnose thrush and prescribe medication, but if you’re a repeat sufferer a pharmacist will be able to advise on over-the-counter medication.

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