19 Times Bad Parkers Got Caught With Camera Documentation And A Swift Lesson

There's nothing more infuriating to some people than a bad driver or a bad parker. So, we've rounded up 23 realllllllllly bad ones and what other people did to show their distain...

A man humorously climbs out of a car window between two parked vehicles

1.This person who decided to treat an elementary-level driver with elementary-level feedback:

A note on a car with a cartoon turtle says: "Many three year olds have trouble staying within the lines. Maybe if you practice, it'll help your parking."
u/jamesd328 / reddit.com

2.And same with this person, except they were nicer and left an entire coloring book for extra practice:

Note on windshield: "Hey buddy, it looks like you don’t understand how to operate a motor vehicle. This will help you practice. Stay inside the lines like the toddler you are."
u/CommanderApparent / reddit.com

3.This person who finally had enough with the neighbors, so they left them this note and the neighbor responded with this:

Two notes: "Please be more considerate when parking. Your neighbors would appreciate it." and "I'm so sorry, it was my wife."
u/sergio_thebear / reddit.com

4.This person who shared this detailed explanation of how someone's parking made them feel:

A person shares a handwritten letter about their grandfather's cancer, urging others not to smoke. They express regret and blame on a parked car owner
u/mrman1125 / reddit.com

5.And same with this person:

Note with handwritten text expressing frustration over someone's parking skills
u/happywaffle / reddit.com

6.This person who decided to turn anger into poetry:

A handwritten note warns against bad parking, humorously discussing anger, wasting time, grammar doubts, and ending with "DON'T PARK LIKE A TOOL!"
u/houstonjones / reddit.com

7.This person who decided to turn a negative into a positive:

A white car is parked on a sidewalk. A handwritten note sarcastically thanks the driver for blocking the path, suggesting sliding across the hood

8.This person who made this legitimate business card for a "bad parking" society:

Humorous card stating membership in the "AssHat Parking League," thanking the reader for being a societal drain, and advising to drive better

9.And this person who made a very personalized one:

Parking note on car: "Hey, you suck at parking. Seriously. Learn to park, asshole. If I see you do this again, I will key your shit."
u/cataleiss / reddit.com

10.This person who made this ticket wishing flea infestation upon the bad parker:

A humorous "violation" notice mocking poor parking, critiquing inconsiderate behavior, and comparing it to various animals for comedic effect

11.This person who made detailed parking instructions that included the "WTF" issue:

Handwritten note with a diagram explaining not to park in front of a driveway. Reminder at the bottom: "Showering is 'lather, rinse, repeat.'"

12.This person who made a template for people to use on all terrible parkers:

A note sarcastically admonishes someone for taking two parking spaces, referring to New York City's limited parking and mentioning a pregnant wife
u/Thanassi44 / reddit.com

13.This situation where the term "green" clearly went over someone's head:

Green truck parked in a spot reserved for eco-friendly vehicles
u/windsock17 / old.reddit.com

14.These people who went all in on teaching a lesson here:

Six cars parked haphazardly in an otherwise empty parking lot
u/capacity01 / reddit.com

15.This person who really planned out their revenge:

Car parked with a shopping cart attached to its door, humorously creating a makeshift sidecar
u/Alphalarge / reddit.com

16.And this person who did here as well:

A car is wrapped in clear plastic wrap in a snowy urban setting beside dumpsters
Interesting Facts / youtube.com

17.This person who held a pretend parking contest:

Congratulations message with a photo of a poorly parked car in a garage, humorously calling it a "parking contest award winner."
u/Giggdy / reddit.com

18.This person who drew a parking spot to expose the disaster:

A car parked over two spaces with a chalk message on the ground saying, "Parking spot just for you."

19.This person who just made their own comic guy with thoughts:

Stick figure with coffee cup says, "Yeaah... if you could go ahead and park in your own spot, that'd be great."

20.This person who made a very specific message with their thoughts on someone's parking:

Image of a humorous parking note featuring a cartoon character with text criticizing a parking job
u/raggamuffinchef / reddit.com

21.This person who discovered this car literally parked on the street (no the car is not moving in front of them):

View from inside a car driving down a residential street; several cars are parked on both sides
u/joe4553 / reddit.com

22.This person who did what they had to do to fit after the weasel in the yellow car parked like this:

A yellow car and a grey SUV are parked, with the SUV overlapping into the yellow car's spot. A person's shadow is visible in the foreground

23.And, finally, this parking enforcement officer who just can't follow their own rules:

Parking enforcement vehicle with a parking ticket on its windshield, parked on the street

Got a bad parking horror story? Let us know in the comments!