Astronomers discover 'alien' signals from stars

Alien life has been hard to find so far, but two scientists, EF Borra and E Trottier, say that there could be a possible cause behind some unusual signals they observed.

In their recently submitted study, the astronomers, from Canada's Laval University, have documented their identification of 234 stars out of 2.5 million which seem to pulse light at a consistent rate.

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The paper discounts possible interference from the instruments or data analysis and doubts that the signals were created by molecules, rapid pulsations, or Fourier transform of spectral lines.

As such, the team proposes the idea that, based on findings from previous research, there's a possibility that "the signals are caused by light pulses generated by Extraterrestrial Intelligence to makes us aware of their existence."

The study also notes that this small group was "overwhelmingly in the F2 to K1 spectral range."

As Universe Today points out, "That's significant because this is a small range centered around the spectrum of our own Sun. And our own Sun is the only one we know of that has an intelligent species living near it."

Despite the indications, there's certainly quite a bit of skepticism concerning the possibility of aliens behind these signals and the team states that 'this hypothesis needs to be confirmed with further work.'